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It’s Always Sunny in… Nottingham?!

I know you are all probably as exhausted as I am, barely surviving on caffeine but if you’re looking for a little break from revision or a good excuse (in my opinion at least) to procrastinate have a little read of this post. Not too many words but lots of pictures, I promise! I love food and …

Study Abroad Decisions

I close my eyes and rest my forehead against the cool car window. I am in a shabby Parisienne cafe, sipping a rich black coffee and listening to the distant clatter of dishes and the bars of an Edith Piaf rhyme. I have a small pile of yellowing books in front of me as I …

A White Christmas (kinda)

It’s been two weeks since Christmas holidays have started but I have only spent 3 days in Nottingham. What have I been up to you might ask? Well for starters the Sunday after term ended I headed down to London just as an escape from Nottingham. As much as I love this little city I …

Student life’s greatest hits (autumn 2014)

New to the blog? You’ve come to the right place, as we introduce the team’s best posts to look at student life here at The University of Nottingham. Following in the the grand Greatest Hits tradition of Queen, Fleetwood Mac and Vanilla Ice (apparently), we present each blogger’s best posts… so far. Read on! Gemma 5 things …

Robin Hood lovin’

Last week, I unleashed my inner Maid Marian (she’s inside us all) and excitedly prepared to be part of one Notts nightclub’s Guinness World Record attempt to get as many Robin Hoods in the room as possible. Sadly, I still remain record-less- but I did learn the important lesson of not losing your friends on …

Student Friendly Mince Pie Recipe

I apologise for my disappearing act last week! Life has been a little bit crazy these last few weeks. Fortunately, Christmas is almost here and it brings with it festive food! If you get a chance in this hectic final week of term, head to the kitchen and bake some of these mince pies for …

Christmas juggling

As most students know, time at university is like a balancing act, with studying, societies, part time work and socialising all vying for your attention. Sadly, it doesn’t seem to be getting any easier as term draws to a close! I guess I had it coming. I was merrily sipping coffee whilst others battled with …

Grumpy Old Man Winter

Ah the festive period, a time for love, compassion, family and relaxation. A time for all students, regardless of religion or creed to come together and swear at their textbooks because exams are only a month away, and I totally knew this yesterday so why can’t I remember it now and third year can’t be …

Sutton Bonnington Farmers Market (Christmas Edition)

Hello all you lovely folk! Today marks the final week of the autumn term and as much as I love university and being swamped with coursework, I think I deserve a nice Christmas break. Anyway, enough yapping, I shall crack on with this week’s post! I am ashamed to say this but I have been at …

Deadlines (and the problems associated with not having any)

In case you haven’t noticed, it’s deadline season. Tension in the library has hit fever pitch, make but a single noise in the silent study and you run the risk of being attacked in by a bedraggled third year in a caffeine induced rage. But, strangely enough, I don’t actually have any. By virtue of …