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Reading rules the roost

Call me old fashioned, but if I had to choose between books, TV and film, I’d definitely go for books. Books are reliable and always there for you (unless you drop them in the bath), but the others can let you down – the powers that be can cancel your favourite TV programme at the …

The Five Types of People you see on Campus Gyms

1. The Osiris The huge guy that can max out every weight. He keeps alive the legacy of Ancient Egypt, because he too has a God named Set. Pictured: BEAST mode When he walks the ground shakes, when he lifts the weights tremble and when he re-racks the geosciences lab have to recalibrate their equipment. …

We all love science

Following on from Olivia’s post about her research project, I am also doing a science-themed post this week in the spirit of British Science Week. I asked some of my friends and fellow students who study different science subjects to explain the highs and lows of their degrees, and why science is so awesome in general! …

The Lab Sessions

As you may already know from my previous posts on the blog, I am currently in the midst of my research project for which I will have to write up a 7000-word dissertation. I consider myself as one of the lucky ones as I only have to write up what my school calls a “mini-dissertation” which …

Money, Money, Money

    Last summer, I was planning on climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania for charity. Long story short, the travel company went bust as we arrived at Gatwick and we all went home within an hour. Almost sad enough to be an X-Factor sob story. However, in the year running up to the challenge, I …

A weekend in Dublin!

I escaped Nottingham a couple of weeks ago to spend a weekend exploring Dublin! It was incredible and I’d highly recommend a trip if you’re looking for a short city break. I got up to some typical tourist stuff, so I’m sharing a few of my favourite sights with you guys today. Our first stop …

For The First Time

Hey it’s me again, sorry for the lack of posts! University life has been pretty hectic with the many things that are currently on my plate such as my dissertation, optional modules, labs, part-time work and life in general. So much for having a relaxed spring semester! Enough about things that stress me out, let’s …

Well cultured, innit?

Helen and Danny keep themselves to themselves. But the outside world comes crashing into their lives one day when Helen’s brother Liam turns up. Covered in blood.   Pretty dramatic intro, I know. But I’m hoping it will have drawn you in and maybe you’ll reach the bottom of this post. We can all dream. …

Oxford v. Cambridge

Alright gang, It’s been a tough old week so far. The kind of week when you watch the weather as a painting and you go to sleep with a word document firmly etched into your retinas. We meet again… It’s not all been bad though, I made it down to Oxford last weekend for a …

Surviving the cold

It’s undeniable that University Park Campus is beautiful, with lots of green space that makes it so much nicer to look at than city campuses. In the summer, there are plenty of outdoor spaces for reading, picnics and BBQs. What’s not to love about tall trees and patches of greenery as you travel from one …