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Dos and Don’ts – What should I bring to uni?

With all the information out there, it can be difficult to figure out what you’ll actually need and what you definitely won’t need at university. Worry not, I’m here to tell you some of the main things that students bring to uni and don’t need as well as some things you’ll need but will most …

New (academic) year, new you? – Trying new things at University

Just like a new calendar year, a new academic year is a fresh start. Especially if you’re about to begin a new stage in your education, and in your life! You’re moving to a new city, maybe even living alone for the first time – it’s a new beginning. There is no other time that’s …

Adjusting to The Academic Step-Up of Uni

The journey from school-goer to university student is rife with challenges. And that’s not including the academic hurdles. We know that this year may still look very different for some of you but Pursuing a higher education will offer you a lifetime of opportunities, experiences and lessons learnt. Of these, the adjusting to the academic …

Taking notes digitally

Hello! This is the last part of my three-part series on OneNote. You can read part 1 here: Getting started with OneNote – Student life (nottingham.ac.uk) You can read part 2 here: Switching your notes to digital – Student life (nottingham.ac.uk)   In this part, I’ll talk about switching to digital note-taking after you’ve fully …

Disability Recognition Month Alumni Blog Series: Thomas Lamb

Over the course of this month we’ve shared a series of blogs from alumni reflecting on this year’s theme of ‘Disability: Finding our way’. The alumni have been kind enough to share their experiences of living with a disability whilst studying at Nottingham, how they found transitioning to and from university life and their career …

Disability Recognition Month Alumni Blog Series: Molly O’Brien

This month, we’re delighted to share a series of blogs from alumni reflecting on this year’s theme of ‘Disability: Finding our way’. Our alumni have been kind enough to share their experiences of living with a disability whilst studying at Nottingham, how they found transitioning to and from university life and their career journeys to-date, …

Disability Recognition Month alumni blog series: Aymun Khan

This month, we’re delighted to share a series of blogs from alumni reflecting on this year’s theme of ‘Disability: Finding our way’. Our alumni have been kind enough to share their experiences of living with a disability whilst studying at Nottingham, how they found transitioning to and from university life and their career journeys to-date, …

Disability Recognition Month Alumni Blog Series: Agata Cienciala

This month, we’re delighted to share a series of blogs from alumni reflecting on this year’s theme of ‘Disability: Finding our way’. Our alumni have been kind enough to share their experiences of living with a disability whilst studying at Nottingham, how they found transitioning to and from university life and their career journeys to-date, …

Switching your notes to digital

This post is the second part of my 3-part blog series on OneNote! You can find part 1 here. In the last post, I talked about establishing your organisation system in OneNote. This post is all about how you can transfer your existing notes into your new OneNote notebook. Your existing notes If you’re looking …

Getting started with OneNote

If you haven’t had a chance to check out my last blog post on digital note-keeping you can find it here: Digital Note-Keeping. As promised, today I’m writing about getting started with OneNote!  Disclaimer: I know that OneNote has a different layout and different features depending on your device and the version you access. The …