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Snapshot of my week one

I have no idea what it is about writing blog posts on trains, for some reason my mind just pours out words and is like yep, these words sound good together! I’ve had a pretty hectic week, but I’m slowly coming back to reality as lectures start this week. I wanted to get my thoughts …

I Have Impostor Syndrome

  You’re probably thinking right now what on earth is this ‘impostor syndrome’? Well according to Wikipedia, it is ‘a term coined in 1978 by clinical psychologists Dr. Pauline R. Clance and Suzanne A. Imes referring to high-achieving individuals marked by an inability to internalize their accomplishments and a persistent fear of being exposed as a …

How To Make The Most Of The Start Of Term

Sssh, can you hear that? It’s me SCREAMING about how excited I am for the start of term. Crisp autumn leaves and new notebooks, buying piles of books that I will almost certainly never read, reuniting with friends, and signing up for approximately five million new societies – all  of these fill me with unutterable …

University: Expectations vs Reality

Freshers week is nearly upon us and a whole bunch of new students are going to be joining us! Welcome to the herd! Coming to university is probably one of the most exciting, scary, difficult and fun experiences ever. And of course with any big event, there are all sorts of expectations! And if you …

An Honest Guide To Arrival Day

Freshers Week is nearly upon us and reflecting back on my first day almost two years ago now (what how did that happen?!) I remember all the nerves and excitement building up to that week. The compulsive buying of things I didn’t need, browsing facebook and twitter pages to scout out potential friends and desperately googling things …

Summer internship pt. 2

So it’s my first day of the internship and I hadn’t quite calculated how long it was going to take me to get to the offices perfectly, so I decided to leave earlier to avoid being late (probably the worse thing I can do on the first day). I was around 30-40 mins early, so …

How to Decorate Your University Bedroom

If you are heading to the University of Nottingham this September – congratulations! You are in for a fantastic time! You’re probably busy trying to get everything together, frantically buying supplies and reading online lists or watching youtube videos on what to pack. It feels just like yesterday I was doing the same. Whether you’re …

It’s the FINAL Blog post

Hello, hello, hello, yes it has been a VERY LONG time since I last blogged. I apologise for being a bit out of the loop. A lot has happened since my last blog post, so lets have a little round up on what’s happened.   Post results trip to New York! As soon as my …

Summer Internship pt. 1

So I’m sitting on a train from Birmingham to London and thought I’d kill the time by writing my next blog post. I’m moving to London for a short summer internship with Deloitte for 5 weeks and I’m crazily excited! Oh… and of course a bit nervous too, but I guess nerves are natural! I …

Uni: Top Five Moments

This day has finally come, where I am writing my final blog post for the university. It also means that I am no longer a student at the university. Don’t get me wrong, I am so glad to be done with exams (for a while at least). However I am not quite ready to stop being …