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History Degree: How Will Studying For a History Degree Help Me In The Real World?

When I tell people I’m doing a degree in History, I’m usually met with raised eyebrows, and remarks like ‘how is that going to help you find a job?’. It seems as though a lot of people think its a pointless area of study. What jobs can you get with a History degree? What’s the …

Why should you vote in the General Election?

In the 2015 general election the winning party won with 24% of all eligible votes. A staggering 34% of eligible voters did not vote at all. 9.1 million women abstained and less than 50% of eligible voters aged 18-24 did not turn out to the polls. You have the right to vote and to take …

Dealing with the Pressure of Exams

I’m quite a stressy person normally, meaning that come exam season I am a mess. However, although it may be inevitable to feel somewhat uncomfortable with the idea of exams, there are some ways in which this discomfort can be eased. Trust me! Be rational: as much as they may mean to you at the time, …

Rainy with a chance of rain; non-revision indoor activities to relax and de-stress.

It’s raining. I’m looking out the window and it’s still raining. It was raining when I went to bed, it was raining when I woke up, and I can positively guarantee that it will be raining when I get on my bike to cycle home this evening. If your days currently consist predominantly of colour …

My Bucket List of Local City Trips

The end of the year is in sight and I’m counting down the days until I can do some exploring guilt free. Luckily for me, Nottingham has a fairly central location within the UK, making it well connected to other cities. So here’s my bucket list of places I’d love to visit for the first …

“What do you want to do when you grow up?”

“What do you do?”   I knew he was referring to what course I was studying at university. But instead, I responded the way I always have; with what I really do.   “I write. I also go hiking sometimes and I play tennis.” I tell him I like being creative and watching sunsets.  “I …

The Intuitive Eater: Tips Towards Becoming More Foodsmart

One of our biggest issues as students is eating healthily and maintaining a healthy (ish) wallet at the same time. We’ve all been there, there’s only half a tub of butter and a sack of potatoes to fill your cupboards, and your stomach this evening so you order a takeaway again. You spend £20 too, …

What to take and what not to take to university

What to bring to uni A bath mat: stepping out of the warm embrace of a shower onto a cold floor is a big shock to the system to say the least. Without being over dramatic, I imagine that it is what stepping off of a ship to begin an expedition in the arctic feels …

5 money saving tips to help fuel summer fun

Summer is fast approaching – though you might not be able to tell on account of the frosty mornings and wet weather of late. Whether you’re a fresher or a postgrad, chances are you’re starting to think about making some plans to lap up some sun in a new and exciting place. But woe betide …

Ways to Save Money at University

Budget: Simple but it works. Work out how much money you have to spend on accommodation, food, uni supplies, entertainment etc and stick to it. Give yourself an allowance to stop yourself falling into a cycle of drifting in and out of your over draft, it will save you the stress of being broke as …