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Interview: What’s it like studying a language alongside your degree?

Studying a degree means you can completely immerse yourself in your subject. But when you’ve decided upon your favourite subject, the one that you are staking your entire future on, it can feel conflicting if you’re also interested in studying a language. The University of Nottingham’s Language Centre gives you the chance to study a …

How to Balance School and Work as a Student

As a university student, managing both school and work can be a challenging task. Juggling deadlines, exams, and shifts at work can be overwhelming and stressful, leading to burnout and poor academic performance. However, with the right approach and mindset, it is possible to strike a balance between the two. Here are five tips for …

5 Essential Tips for a Successful Group Project

As university students, you’ve probably encountered a group project or two throughout your academic journey. Group projects can be challenging and stressful, but they are also an excellent opportunity to learn new skills and collaborate with your peers. Whether it’s a presentation, research paper, or group assignment, here are five essential tips to help you …

Embracing the Quietness of Easter Break on Campus

It’s the Easter break, and you’re probably feeling a little bit of cabin fever. The silence that comes with it can be overwhelming–and if you’re anything like me, it makes even the most mundane tasks feel like an ordeal. The Easter break is often a time when students leave the University of Nottingham to go …

Random University Student Life Hacks

If there is one thing that I gathered living the student life, it’s that you can never have enough life hacks to make your life easier at university. So here are some of the most random life-hacks that seemed to work really well for me so far:  1. Be selfish and use free university resources …

My Nottingham Advantage Award experience

Amidst our current work, academics and social life, it has been challenging to think about the future. As a second year student in a three year course, I have been trying to start thinking about what I would like to pursue after I graduate. But in this world full of opportunities, the scopes of our …

House-hunting for next year

Besides the rapid political and economic changes that have fallen out in the last term, one of the most stressful conversations that you might have had might go along the lines of… “We have already found people and signed the contract for next year. Have you decided where you will be living yet?” I know …

New Semester, New Habits

Are you the kind of student who feels you have something to share and the voice to share it? Join our student blogging team! Apply here. The Autumn semester was my first semester back at university which felt ‘normal’ after Covid. Having been on a year abroad for the 21/22 academic year, I returned to …

How I stumbled into an art career during my maths degree

Do you ever start one thing and end up with something completely different? For instance, starting a Maths degree wanting to be a teacher and three years later having a blossoming art career instead? Too specific?  Let me paint the picture: imagine me, second year, running out of money, scrolling through UniTemps looking for something …

Ways to become more employable during your degree

You’ve just arrived at university and the prospect of graduation seems like a very distant concept. You launch yourself into your studies and university life and you’re very busy. It’s easy to forget about career planning during your studies but thinking about and acting on this during your time at university can be crucial when …