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Top 5 Veggie Food Spots on Campus

As a vegetarian, and a picky eater, getting food whilst out can be a struggle. Luckily, our campus is full of delicious options if you know where to look. In fact, you can treat this list as a bucket list because if you don’t try these great veggie spots, you’re missing out.    1. Hendersans …

What are these Sunflower Lanyards?

Sunflower Lanyards are a subtle way to indicate that someone might need a little bit of extra support going about their day. It’s a new scheme introduced nationwide, and can be used by absolutely anyone who feels they need one – you do not have to provide proof of a disability, or justify yourself. The …

Looking back on welcome week, three years later…

Back in 2016… I started welcome week at university as a fresh-faced, just-turned-18 year old with four A Levels, zero life skills, and a long-held ambition to become a vet. Now I’m a just-turned-21 year old with a degree, a fair few more life skills than I started out with (I hope), and a slightly …

Day in the life: 4th year medical student

Hello everyone; and if you’re new here, welcome! I have been writing for the ‘Student Life’ blog for a considerable amount of time now and whilst I have written about many things, from mental health to budgeting tips, I have rarely delved into my own academic experiences. I’m currently in my penultimate year of medical …

Time at University Travels Fast

I can say with the old wistful eyes of a student in his final year, that my time at university has flown by like a black bat in the night-time. Three years isn’t so long. The days are brief and spritely and race along fast. It is Winter, already. Mince pies are waking from their …

Top restaurant picks for November

Let’s face it, November is probably the worst part of the academic year. It’s getting cold, you’re getting burnt out and the sun sets way too early in the day. However, not everything has to be gloomy and dark; November also brings hot chocolate and memes about Bublé waking from his hibernation. To add to …

Things to do… which aren’t in Nottingham

Recently I had my brother up from London to stay with me and we found that we wanted to do something that was a bit… different. So, in looking up things to do in Nottingham, we found that there are some pretty cool places within an hour’s travel which are great for a day trip! …

How to examine yourself this Breast Cancer Awareness month (and beyond!)

As many of you may know, October is annual breast cancer awareness month. As a medical student, I’m faced with the reality of the ‘c word’ on an almost daily basis. And while October is awareness month; being aware of self-examinations, abnormalities and cancer risks is extremely important all your round. Breast cancer is the …

Staying safe on a night out

As you’re probably already aware, the world is far from a safe place. Be it Nottingham, or anywhere else really, it’s not very hard to run into danger. However, I’m a very firm believer in the fact that nobody should be too scared to live their best life. Having said that, I think it’s important …

The balancing act at university

More often than not, your time at university will feel like the ultimate balancing act. Between lectures, deadlines and extra-curricular activities, it can all get overwhelming sometimes. And whilst feeling that way is inevitable; it doesn’t have to ruin your time at university. After multiple breakdowns amidst years of juggling medical school, two committee roles …