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My path to postgraduate study

This guest post is written by third-year PhD student, Declan Wayne. I started my academic career at the University of Nottingham in 2010. I knew I wanted to study science but wasn’t exactly sure what area I wanted to focus on, however, I was certain that my passion was in human physiology. I came across …

Networking Masterclass: How to effectively use LinkedIn

Last night, during one of our daily Zoom calls, my friends and I started debating the efficacy of LinkedIn. Everyone had different opinions but one thing was for sure, LinkedIn had become a saving grace for graduating classes during the pandemic. Gripped by so much uncertainty, the only thing many of us can do is …

How to Handle Getting a “Bad” Grade at University

If you are reading this, then chances are you’ve gotten a disappointing mark on a piece of work. Or maybe you’ve just handed something in and are reading because you anticipate getting a bad mark. Whether you fall into the former category or the latter, just know that a low grade isn’t the end of …

Order Food to Support the Community

Hello! Hope you’re doing well!   If you’re spending the lockdown in Nottingham… I can’t say I’m not a little jealous. Although I’m enjoying trying new recipes while I’m stuck at home, I do miss my favourite takeaways from Nottingham – and I like to think they miss me too.    As we all know, …

15 things I’m looking forward to when things get back to normal.

I’ll keep this one short and sweet, as I know that life has been hurling things at us left right and centre recently, and it can get overwhelming to say the very least. I’ve been thinking recently about how much I miss university, and know I’m definitely not the only one. I thought I would …

Things I’m grateful for during quarantine

Growing up, I was always an aggressively optimistic kid. I could find the silver lining in almost any situation. Many years later, in the face of a pandemic and an uncertain future, that, has become my super-power. With nothing but the sad and the bad everywhere we look, I thought it would be a nice …

What I’m doing about the BLM movement

On May 25th, the horrendous murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis sparked national outrage culminating in protests nationally and across the globe. From the United States of America to New Zealand, the world came together to fight for equality. While the protests saw acute successes in Floyd’s case, the greater focus remained on the inbred …

Reviewing Weird Vegan Recipes

Hello! I hope you’re well and staying relatively sane.   Over the past week or two, I’ve taken to trying strange new recipes. Some of them to reduce waste, some of them to satisfy some non-vegan cravings. All of them – a little bit strange.   A short bit of background  – I’ve been vegetarian …

Surviving in Uncertainty

Hello everyone! I hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy during these chaotic times. With uncertainty marring almost every aspect of most of our lives, here are my two cents on navigating unchartered waters and living with uncertainty. For starters, embrace it. Some may call it giving up, I call it moving …

4 Escapist Books to Lift Your Spirits

With the current state of the world; the unrest and anxiety… there’s a certain type of fiction that really hits the spot. I find it hard to focus on a book when I have a lot on my mind, but these books have achieved the impossible – they pulled me into a world that is …