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An A-Z of Nottingham’s Supermarkets

One of the many things that makes Nottingham a student hub is the sheer variety of supermarket options. While it may not sound important, having access to various supermarkets offers extensive grocery options at student-friendly prices. In today’s post, I’ll be guiding you through Nottingham’s most popular grocers. A Aldi: With multiple outlets to choose …

Everyone’s Favourite Spots in Nottingham City Centre

A quick note from UoN: these blogs are here to provide you information that will be useful to you throughout your time with us, whether that be a year, three years or many more. But our class of 2020 is, as we all know, joining us under difficult circumstances so we ask you to follow …

Dealing with the good, the bad and the downright ridiculous parts of uni life – Part 1: The Good

I’m now in my 4th year at university, and it’s only with new students arriving this term, some of whom were born in 2002 (unfathomable to me, a 90s baby!) that I have realised that actually, I have now spent *quite a significant* amount of time at university and in doing so, have had a …

Welfare in Sport

I’m Issy and I’m a 4th year medical student at Nottingham – I felt the need for a reintroduction, seeing as I’ve been writing on this blog for two years now! One of my very first blogs was about sport and mental health – its always been a passion of mine: now I am involved …

How to Make the Most out of Freshers Week

Ahh freshers week…there’s nothing quite like it. It’s one of the most exciting yet terrifying weeks of your life. Read on to find out how to make the most of it !! Put yourself out there Starting university is scary. You’re in a new city, living with strangers, and without the home comforts you’ve grown accustomed …

Your First Week in Halls

If you haven’t yet, check out my post about ‘your first night in halls’ – this post is definitely a continuation from that one! What is waiting for you in your first week in halls? Well…  Your first shopping trip If you’re in self-catered halls, this will probably be a massive grocery shop – hopefully …

Your First Night In Halls

Just imagine… You’re finally here! Welcome to Uni of Nottingham! You’re all moved in- maybe you’ve travelled from really far away or maybe you were a short journey away- either way, I bet you’re tired. It’s a stressful experience! Maybe before returning home, your parents will spend a day in Nottingham with you? Maybe, you’ll …

The Date Jar – Nottingham Edition

In anticipation of returning to Nottingham, I spent a couple of days putting together a Notts-special Date Jar for me and my partner. If you’re not familiar with the concept of a Date Jar, it’s a jar (or some other container) filled with date ideas – perfect for indecisive couples! Full of our favourite spots …

What is the Students’ Union?

The Students’ Union – it’s a term you may have heard thrown around when applying for university, on open days, looking on websites, but what, and who, exactly is the SU, and what does it mean for you as a University of Nottingham student? Officers Every year, a new set of officers are elected to …

Things I wish I knew before starting university

Before coming to uni, I didn’t even know what questions to ask! In fact, in most cases, I didn’t even know what I didn’t know. Mostly, I figured out these things by myself – but you don’t have to! Trams They’re the easiest mode of transport between the university and the city! It takes about …