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Life at UoN as a mature student

Mature student Katie Green, who is about to graduate with a degree in Child Nursing, talks to us about what it’s like to be a mature student at the University of Nottingham. She shares some useful insight and some words of wisdom for anyone considering embarking on a degree as a mature student. What made …

Reflections on another semester: a balancing act

With exam season slowly coming to a close, the wind-down period of the semester has started, calling for a time of reflection. Our semesters (and time at uni across the academic year) are really very short so it’s important to take time to consider and reflect before allowing the time to fly by. I’ve found …

My Nottingham Advantage Award experience

Amidst our current work, academics and social life, it has been challenging to think about the future. As a second year student in a three year course, I have been trying to start thinking about what I would like to pursue after I graduate. But in this world full of opportunities, the scopes of our …

House-hunting for next year

Besides the rapid political and economic changes that have fallen out in the last term, one of the most stressful conversations that you might have had might go along the lines of… “We have already found people and signed the contract for next year. Have you decided where you will be living yet?” I know …

New Semester, New Habits

Are you the kind of student who feels you have something to share and the voice to share it? Join our student blogging team! Apply here. The Autumn semester was my first semester back at university which felt ‘normal’ after Covid. Having been on a year abroad for the 21/22 academic year, I returned to …

How to save some extra cash at UoN

Going to university is much more than just about our three or four-year degree. We leave our comfort zones to build a little world for ourselves in a whole new place! We learn to make do and adjust to everything that seems new around us. Most of all, we take the first step towards living …

Food Shopping at Nottingham

For a university student, food is always an interesting topic of conversation to have. From what I hear, catered student accommodations take good care of the students’ nutrition needs by providing cooked meals and also allowing students to buy food on campus with their weekly top-ups. They seemed tempting to me because they would help …

Adapting to Nottingham city life

Moving to uni was definitely a time filled with excitement and fear for me. Coming from the countryside, I knew that adapting to life in a city was going to add to the challenge. However, I survived and I now appreciate the different lifestyles I have at home vs at Nottingham. Here are my top …

What is it like to work on the frontline? – Part 2

As lockdown continues and young people are blamed for ignoring the rules, University of Nottingham students share their stories of working on Covid-19 wards. In the second of a two-part series 2nd year nursing students Jessie and Abbie talk through their emotional experiences and make an impassioned plea to encourage everyone to play their part, …