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Posts by Issy

A letter to my friends in their final year.

Do you remember your first day at Nottingham? I do. Saturday 23rd September 2017. Moving into Cripps Hall, being so nervous I couldn’t eat anything on the drive up from London, but somehow it dissipated until that same day, we were up all night, 7 of us crowded into a single room, laughing about a …

Why I’m spending my time doing art

I’ve always quite enjoyed doing art. I guess I’ve grown up with it – my grandmother and uncle are both artists and taught me a lot of what I know. As I’ve grown older though, I’ve found I have less and less time to do art myself, because there is so much else going on …

Feeling guilty at a time like this.

It’s a tough time right now. The world has been turned upside down. And, that’s an understatement. To say the very least. It’s tough on NHS workers, it’s tough on key workers, it’s tough on families separated from one another, it’s tough on students who cannot complete the year at university, it’s tough on final …

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My life #WorkingFromHome, in 65 parts.

1) Woken up by my very confused body clock at 8am, with a book on my face. 2) Remove book and then spend way too much time scrolling through TikTok, or Twitter 3) Fall back asleep as my bed is very cosy 4) Get woken up at 11.30 by my parents, normally with something along …

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Uni Mental Health Day 2020

Mental health is important. We all experiences ups and downs in our wellbeing, but to someone going through an especially tough time, it can feel like they are completely alone in the way they feel. Days like University Mental Health Day, this Thursday 5thMarch, show that this is a university-wide issue on a national scale, …

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5 ways to make your time off more productive

I’ve *finally* handed in my dissertation, which means I’m currently in limbo between the two parts of my 5 year degree. Which means that I currently have a lot of time on my hands before I start the clinical part of my degree in March. One thing you should know about me is that I …

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21 lessons I’ve Learnt about Life, Love and… Mooses.

Tomorrow is my 21st Birthday. Which feels very, very strange. Partly because the responsibilities are now stacking up and the whole ‘being independent’ thing is no longer exciting and instead something I am ‘expected’ to do. Who knew?! So, in procrastination over doing said responsibilities, I thought I would share 21 things I have learnt …

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What are these Sunflower Lanyards?

Sunflower Lanyards are a subtle way to indicate that someone might need a little bit of extra support going about their day. It’s a new scheme introduced nationwide, and can be used by absolutely anyone who feels they need one – you do not have to provide proof of a disability, or justify yourself. The …

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Things to do… which aren’t in Nottingham

Recently I had my brother up from London to stay with me and we found that we wanted to do something that was a bit… different. So, in looking up things to do in Nottingham, we found that there are some pretty cool places within an hour’s travel which are great for a day trip! …

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10 tips for when things just aren’t so great

It’s been a long time since I’ve written something for this blog. I could say I’ve been on holiday lounging around in a tropical paradise (I wish) and snorkelling with turtles (I wish even more). But, in reality it’s been more like camping out in my room and swimming in pretty negative thoughts. Truth be …

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