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Posts by Lucy

What First Year Has Taught Me

Fresher’s friendships exist During Freshers’, I met loads of lovely people and automatically assumed that each and every one of them would be my friend for the duration of the course. However, as soon as the workload began to pile up, I learned that people changed and that a presentation of someone formed within a …

What to Consider when Choosing a University Course

Once you’ve decided what subject you want to study at university, the next thing to do is decide what university to do the course at. Here is a list of things to focus on when whittling your choices down to a specific course to make the daunting task somewhat easier… In theory… I hope…   …

Dealing with the Pressure of Exams

I’m quite a stressy person normally, meaning that come exam season I am a mess. However, although it may be inevitable to feel somewhat uncomfortable with the idea of exams, there are some ways in which this discomfort can be eased. Trust me! Be rational: as much as they may mean to you at the time, …

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What to take and what not to take to university

What to bring to uni A bath mat: stepping out of the warm embrace of a shower onto a cold floor is a big shock to the system to say the least. Without being over dramatic, I imagine that it is what stepping off of a ship to begin an expedition in the arctic feels …

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Ways to Save Money at University

Budget: Simple but it works. Work out how much money you have to spend on accommodation, food, uni supplies, entertainment etc and stick to it. Give yourself an allowance to stop yourself falling into a cycle of drifting in and out of your over draft, it will save you the stress of being broke as …

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Productive Procrastination

As defined by the ever-trustworthy and academically respectable, Urban Dictionary, productive procrastination is the act of ‘putting off doing something which really needs to be done by doing something else instead which needs to be done.’ Relatable, aye? Anyway, with deadlines all around us and the imminent doomsday of the exam period looming over our …

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What Happens When You Become an English Student

You will be able to talk your way out of any given scenario. All that essay writing allows you to become skilled when it comes to arguing a point, even when you aren’t 100% behind it. In those scenarios where you are in the midst of a debating about whose turn it is to buy …

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Annie’s Burger Shack

Annie’s, Annie’s, Annie’s. Where have you been all of my life? Why have I only recently discovered the taste of your burgers? How did I survive 18 years of my life limited to a burger palate spanning from the likes of a Mayo Chicken to the dizzying heights of a Big Mac? I have been …

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Living in Halls

Living in halls has its upsides and its downsides. I’m not going to tell you that it’s all glitter and gold, because simply that’s not the case. However, I am also not going to tell you that it is hell, because that too is far from the truth. Halls for most people are their first …

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Easy Vegetarian Recipes

ROASTED VEGETABLES Any veg of your choice (I used onion, pepper, carrots and broccoli) METHOD Cover a tray with oil and place on the veg evenly before covering with more oil and seasoning with oregano (or any herb). Cook for 45-55 minutes at 180C (fan oven) or 200C (electric). CURRY (Serves 4) Oil (I used …

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