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Posts by Lucy

What to Take Home Over Christmas

Come September, there are plenty of resources out there telling you what to pack for university. *Ahem, I may have even wrote a little cheeky something myself*. However, what no one tells you is how hard it is to pack to go home again during the holidays. Despite only being home for a maximum of …

How to Make it to your 9am

Now, as the saying goes, you are either a lark or an owl, aka, you are either a morning or a night person. Luckily for me, there is no better feeling than having an early night only to wake up two hours before is needed so that I can spend the morning doing whatever I …

Things to Consider When Choosing Housemates

In Nottingham, student houses seem to go fast. Come the Christmas holidays, most people will have got a house for the next academic year under their belt so since it is already November, it is worth starting to look for next year’s accommodation. Daunting it may be, but to help calm your panic or clean …

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Where to get Cheap Books

When it comes to your university course, it is highly likely that you will be required to purchase at least some books. Although you will probably be given a list at containing the names of 10 plus books, it is worth finding out which ones are absolutely necessary since books can be expensive even without …

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Living in a Student House

When you reach second year, it is normal to move out of halls and into a student house. At Nottingham, most people tend to occupy the student area of Lenton, although Beeston is becoming an increasingly popular student area. Despite having only lived in my student house for a few weeks, the differences between halls …

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A Letter to my Freshers’ Self

Oi Lucy, Calm down. Going to university is a nerve racking experience for everyone. As much as you hate clichés, for once in your life, embrace the idea that ‘everyone in is in the same boat’. I know you’re having restless nights right now: you are not the most social, party-mad or smartest person around, …

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Tips for Living With Flatmates

So, you’re off to university, an experience that is likely to be your first time away from home for such an extended length of time. If moving away isn’t daunting enough in itself, the idea of sharing a flat with 4+ strangers is probably enough to induce some form of worry. Speaking as someone who …

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Things I’m Packing for Second Year

No matter how organised I thought I was as I packed for first year, making endless amounts of lists and constantly checking my luggage, unfortunately a myriad of items never made it to university with me. I’ve learned from my mistakes and have now compiled a list of things that will take pride of place …

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5 Things the University Has Made Me Do

1. Pick Comfort Over Style If you’ve even done as much as drive past the University Park Campus, you will know that the place is BIG. Fair play to you if you are willing to sacrifice blisterless feet in the name of fashion, but I on the other hand found myself calling my trainers my …

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Things you learn during Freshers’ week

The Midlands Doesn’t Exist According to anyone who doesn’t hail from the midlands, it simply doesn’t exist. Despite being a legitimate geographical region, you will be made to pick a side. For anyone who lives south of London, you shall be a Northerner. However, anyone north of Sheffield views you as a Southerner. How you …

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