October 3, 2013, by Eve
You know you’re back at Uni when…
… you buy a bag of sweet and salted popcorn and then proceed to eat the whole bag by yourself – even though you know it’ll make you feel sick – simply because it was on offer at Sainsbury’s for £1.
… you make some kind of melted ball of broccoli-tinned-tuna-rice-saucy thing but, as you’re making it, you imagine a smoothly attractive BBC voice saying ‘Eve has made Mediterranean rice with salt-steamed broccoli, freshly baked tuna and a broccoli jus.
… food is a major topic of conversation.
… you see someone dressed as a mango and no one bats an eye. Seriously! At Fresher’s Fair this year some guy was wobbling around dressed as mango! Banana – yeah, I’d understand, that’s a pretty stable fruit-related costume but a mango is just bizarre and excessively impractical. I still have no idea what he was advertising: Fruit-Club? The first rule of Fruit-Club, no one talks about Fruit-Club.
… you have an in depth discussion about how gender is culturally constructed and how to bake cat-cupcakes both in the same conversation. When baking my cat-cupcakes I prefer to use domestic cats, but you can use wild ones if the latter aren’t available.
… you have no plain paper and have to do your doodles on post-it-notes!
… you sneak a revolutionary flag into your house for your housemate’s birthday the next day. Well, maybe this one is specific to my housemate, who, in case you were wondering, loves Les Mis.
… the phrase ‘going to read’ is more accurately translated as ‘going to watch Downton’. I see Downton as an extra module that I’m taking this year – seminars become instruction in etiquette and decorum and assessments become Christmas specials (with an equal amount of tears).
… you spend a lot of time making ‘to do’ lists. Then copying them out in best.
… life stops when the kettle breaks!
The man-mango is Mr. MANGO, trentbarton’s mascot. He’s advertising MANGO, their version of the Oyster card (but only for their services). Trentbarton also wouldn’t know correct use of capitals if you gave them a grammar book… It’s usually the same guy, too (I’ve been to 10 of the last 12 Freshers’ Fairs and he’s been regular since 2010 I think!).