October 9, 2012, by Shane
That time of year had finally arrived, the one we’d all been willing to hurry up; just after the three quarters mark of summer, when we’d been on all our Holidays, caught up with all our mates from home and had enough of living under the same roof as our parents: Refreshers week! (Or fortnight as some of us like to stretch it to).
For freshers it’s an overwhelming, crazy, fun initiation into University life; but for second years and above it’s a whole different ball game.
I thought returning to University with a year of experience would mean knowing what you’re doing … little did I realise leaving the safety of catered halls lands you with a whole bag full of new challenges.
Descending on freshers fayre to ransack the freebies or man a stall, you begin the week with the best intentions: ‘I’ll walk to campus today, its only rain’, ‘I’ll make lunch and take it with me to save money’, you’re feeling good about yourself!
Then Tuesday comes out of nowhere along with your first hangover and being late for your sign ups and tutor meetings you give in to the necessity of the bus (just this once!).
When admin stuff is out the way, you head to the fayre just in time for them to tell you, “roof’s leaking, fair’s shut today”.
With time to kill you embark on a tour of Lenton to see your friend’s new houses, greeting each one with either a pang of envy at how big their room is or an internal grin because your kitchen puts theirs to shame.
It’s Wednesday and that 14 hour sleep has served you well for the allnighter ahead, now if only you had a ticket … In the mean time you’re chasing your landlord with a list of things that need fixing in your house, while trying to fathom why you chose a house at the top of Derby road when you have to walk up it every day!
By Friday it occurs to you that your meals have consisted of pasta three nights this week (pizza and fajitas the other two). You’re exhausted, have gone out almost every night and have done no work all week; but its Friday and who can resist the big O?!
Well if you’re like my house mates, you’ve just bought a 40 inch TV and Fifa 13, so you’ll leave the sofa when all hell freezes over.
But maybe that was just my week. TGIF …
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