August 13, 2012, by Adlan Wafi Ramli
Till then, take care
Hello for the last time everybody!
Yes, these past several months of writing for the university blog have been great. It is now time for me to write my last post.
I just went to see my consultant this morning for my Mid Course Appraisal (medical students have a logbook which needs to be appraised by a consultant during an attachment). She said that she has been sensing my lack of confidence and wished to discuss about it with me. Well, I didn’t tell her everything about my life like how I used to be one of the top students and then, ended up being a mediocre at this medical school. I just simply told her that I am not confident at times. Then, she ended up giving a long motivational speech to remind me that I’m here because I’m good; that I won’t make it this far in this medical school if I haven’t earned good marks in my exams.
“You are no less than any other, Wafi”
I was happy that she actually took her time to give me some morale-boosting comments. You know, I think I am one of the lucky students who end up getting consultants who really want to help me unleashing my true potential. Most of my consultants in the past are just so encouraging. Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah for giving them to me 🙂
Well yeah, I think it would be a good thing to end my position as one of the first Student Bloggers for The University of Nottingham with an inspirational post. Now, I just want to show you some pictures of my friends who graduated in summer this year. It was really inspirational for me to see them graduating. Simply gave me that extra push to keep on going.

Kamal graduated from the University of Birmingham

Shafiq Zuki graduated from Herriot-Watt University
And last but not least, I would like to share with you one last inspirational quotation:
“When doomsday comes, if someone has a palm shoot in his hand, he should plant it”
This quotation is very inspiring to me really. It’s so optimistic and made me feel that we should always be positive. Let’s be grateful for the present and make it the best as we can so hopefully inshaAllah, we’ll have a great future.
For one last time,
Till then, take care
Wafi 😉
Don’t forget to invite us to your graduation next year 😉
Till we meet again next September insya-Allah
haha, sure.. i’ll invite you.
but don’t worry if you couldn’t come because you have classes.
i’ll see you in September inshaAllah and let’s utilize the time that we still have for Ramadan 😉
How is student life then in Nottingham? I have 2 friends that both decided to go and study in Nottingham uni, Im going visiting them this weekend and sample the local nightlife. Just on my lunch break at work trying to get an insight about Nottingham. I studied at Bolton University myself.
Hi Chris,
This blog is intended for us to talk about our lives as students at The University of Nottingham. So, each of us would usually write articles about our lives weekly; hence the overall blog is a depiction of the lives of 5 students at this university.
In general, I really enjoy my life at The University of Nottingham. It’s a campus type of uni so we have a very beautiful scenery of the lake and garden surrounding it. The university has a lot of greenery which makes it one of the most beautiful universities in the UK. As with any other universities, there are many societies which we can join and the Student Union is really good.
As for the city? I do enjoy going out and have lunch/dinner at restaurants at the city centre and we can try foods from various countries. If you fancy ice-skating, you can actually go to the Ice Centre and it’s quite a good place to go for shopping.
All of the student bloggers in this section have posted our last entries for the previous academic year. I would suggest you to go to the “A fresh start” section or alternatively go to this link: for the latest posts by freshers who had just arrived this September
Thank you.