April 23, 2012, by Kay

Cold Chain Missions

Hello wonderful blog readers.

I hope you’re well 🙂 I’m currently at home in Darlington to ‘recharge the batteries’ before heading back to Nottingham tomorrow. I don’t think I’ll be home before June and even then it will only be for a week or so, so I’m really gonna miss being at home.

I am on the cusp of a few things:

  1. Finishing the almighty dissertation
  2. Booking flights to Phuket, Bangkok, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.
  3. Getting all my graduation stuff sorted

Whilst my family are about to:

  1.  Get a new baby! My sister’s got her first child along the way soon.
  2. Maybe get a kitten. My other sister is trying to convince her husband to say ‘yes.’

Thinking about all these wonderful things to come reminds me how quickly university has gone. In a couple of weeks, the School of Economics is having a class photo and a kind of ‘goodbye buffet’ with staff and students. I’ve learned to appreciate the department a lot this year. Some of the staff are super friendly and super awesome.


Last night I watched a truly fantastic program on BBC 2 called ‘Ewan McGregor: Cold Chain Mission.‘ It followed him as he helped deliver polio and measles vaccinations through India and Nepal; as an ambassador of UNICEF.

It was awesome to see an example of the hard work it takes to deliver a simple injection that is so readily available to children in countries like ours. It’s called a cold chain because vaccines must be kept at a constantly low temperature throughout its journey otherwise the ingredients will be inactive and the medicine rendered useless.
The chain is the network of distribution points, carriers, transport facilities, storage facilities that come together to get the vaccine from its warehouse to the child in need.

I hated my mum for a week after my MMR injection.

You know when people ask you…

If you could invite any 6 people in the world, dead or alive, to have a dinner party, who would you invite?”

Ewan McGregor is on that list. What a guy.

And how about “What are the top few things you want to do before you die?”

-Do a cold chain mission.

Love, Kay

Posted in 2011-Kay