January 10, 2012, by Kay
Procrastinating, monopoly, piles of books and early starts…
Revision periods are a bit like being a candle burning on both ends. You tell yourself you gotta work late and fend off sleep as much as you can…then get up unhumanly early to work some more (well I try to anyway).
The return to Nottingham was therefore a little sad but optimistic. Home was great, I was getting homesick for a while since I hadn’t seen my family in over 3 months. During the holidays I:
- Spent quality time with family, over the Wii, Thorntons chocolates and bad Christmas T.V.
- [Tried to] revise all of my International Trade Policy and Introduction to Political Economy module notes.
- Wore 4 layers of clothes everyday since mum is rigidly frugal with central heating.
- Caught up with my best friends who I don’t see enough.
- Spent New Year’s in Edinburgh with my sisters and my brothers-in-law totally winning (..well actually losing) at Monopoly, drinking
champagne and watching Jools Holland’s Hootenanny
As my train came back to Notts one morning on January 4th, the to-do list for the near future changed dramatically, it became:
- Reduce hours of sleep to 6 hours ( ‘Sleep is for the weak! Sleep is for losers Kay!’)
- Be in the library every day by no later than 8:30am
So far I’ve kept probably half the promises to myself since I’ve been back but I suppose you try your best to stay on the straight and narrow…
Good luck everyone. Keep at it! Man up!
great stuff for hard time study, good luck guys!