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Club in Focus: UoN Dodgeball

UoN Sport is dedicated to making a positive impact in Nottingham’s local community through numerous volunteering opportunities. Our goal is to support children from local schools by educating them on health and wellbeing and helping them develop various skills through sports. This work would not be possible without the amazing student volunteers who dedicate their …

Leader in Focus: International Volunteer Day 2023

Every year, UoN Sport is greatly committed to making an impact in Nottingham’s local community through our many volunteering opportunities. We aim to support children from local schools by educating them on health & wellbeing and helping them develop different sets of skills through sports. Our work would not be possible without the amazing student …

Volunteers’ Week: University of Nottingham Boat Club

Every year the Leadership Academy works really closely with the university’s sports clubs to create opportunities for children around the local community, allowing them to discover new sports and breaking the economic barrier that comes with being an athlete. This academic year the University of Nottingham Boat Club showed outstanding efforts and contributions to get …

Welcome to the #GreenandGold!

We’re in for another huge year of sport and fitness on campus and you can be a part of it! At the University of Nottingham we have such a broad range of sporting opportunity that students can get involved with at every different level, with our aim to help each and every one of you …

Leader in Focus: Matthew Gaskins

We have managed to already celebrate two fantastic volunteers during National Volunteer Week, but we are not done yet! Today we are going to celebrate Matthew Gaskins. He is one of the Laureus Sport for Good Volunteers. This is a fantastic programme for those who want to volunteer and have no specific sport knowledge. The …

Leader in Focus: Cameron Barrie

We are continuing the celebrations of National Volunteer Week today! Here at UoN Sport, we offer a wide variety of volunteering opportunities to ensure that there is something for everyone. You have the option to volunteer within the university and with your peers however, you can also volunteer within the local community. This provides a …

Leader In Focus: Siobhan Harrison

Today marks the start of National Volunteer Week! It is a time when we can celebrate all the amazing achievements of volunteers. Here at UoN Sport, we have an abundance of volunteers who we can congratulate for their outstanding contribution to UoN and the local community. Therefore, this week, we will be hearing from several …

Leaders in Focus: Marcus, Kathryn & Libby

Leaders In Focus This year has been a fantastic year for all of our volunteers here at UoN sport. 257 student volunteers have contributed 3202 hours over the course of this academic year. Leaders In Focus is here to celebrate volunteers from all the different programs the Leadership Academy has on offer. We have so …

Leader in Focus: Marina Symington

Once again, it has come that time in which we must celebrate the achievements of our fantastic volunteers. This month we are celebrating the hard work of Marina Symington, a volunteer who has taken part in our Sports in School program. Marina has delivered Ultimate Frisbee sessions to both primary and secondary school children. Not …

Introducing IMS Touch Rugby

At the start of the 2021/22 academic year, University of Nottingham Women’s Rugby Club President, Natasha Duggan, set-up the Intramural Sports (IMS) Touch Rugby programme. Natasha, who is also one of the first ever recipients of the Martin Wynne-Jones Bursary and  supporter of the Rugby Minds campaign, is an ever-present face at the Sunday Touch …