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Posts by Mathilde Tighe

The top 5 mental health benefits of exercise

Your mind and body are closely linked, so if your body feels better, there is a good chance your mind will too. There is no doubt that COVID-19 has had an impact on everyone’s lives, both physically and mentally, so here are our Top 5 tips on how to improve your mental health through exercise …

Which wearables and apps work with UoN Sport Moves+?

Did you get a new wearable fitness tracker for Christmas? Or do you just want to get the most out of your wearable and earn points as you go? The UoN Sport Moves+ app can be synced with a number of smart watches and fitness apps, so here is a definitive guide to which ones …

The top 5 ways that connecting with friends can help you make the most of Moves+

So you’ve downloaded Moves+ and connected your wearable, but what next? Connecting with your friends, team members or colleagues might give you the motivation you need to get active and make the most of the Moves+ app!   Friends can hold you accountable Ever wanted to cancel your fitness class and stay in bed, but you can’t because you are …

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