September 28, 2021, by brzbs1

Meet your Sports Officer for this year: AJ Gooden

Each year the University of Nottingham Student Union elects an individual to represent and positively impact student sport at Nottingham. This year the individual elected was AJ Gooden! We spoke to AJ around Welcome to discuss her plans for the year and find out what she is most looking forward to!


What inspired you to run for Sports Officer?

I was fortunate enough in first year to be in the same netball team as the sports officer at that time, Emma Hodges. This gave me an understanding of what a sports officer does and how they are used to advocate for sporting students within the Student’s Union. From then on, I wanted to be in a position to do just that.

How will you be of help to students?

I want to create an environment where every student feels that they can get involved in sport because there are so many levels across so many different sports that people can get involved in. I also want to help empower students to be able to bring up any issues through the democratic procedures of the Student’s Union.

What would you like to achieve this year?

I would like to help promote other programmes as well as sports clubs, so that students understand how they can involved in sport at the university. I would also love to put on an amazing Varsity experience, as it has been a few years since we have had one and it is such as incredible event. Overall, I really want to make sure everyone is comfortable returning to sport this year.

What can students look forward to this year?

Students can look forward to getting back together and engaging in sport this year! After the last 18 months, just seeing sport back to its former glory is going to be truly amazing. Students can also look forward to taking part in many different programmes including Just Play if they want to try something new, and Intramural Sport if they want to compete as a group of friends. Of course all students should also be looking forward to the return of… VARSITY!

What does it mean to you to be a part of the #GreenandGold?

It means being apart of everything great that came before you, and working towards something great in the future. It involves meeting new like minded people and getting involved in things you never thought you would. Whatever level you are at, you can still be apart of the #GreenandGold!


If you have any questions for AJ then she can be contacted on e-mail, and you can follow AJ on Twitter and Instagram.


Find out more about sport at the University of Nottingham on our website:
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