December 7, 2020, by Hazel Sayers
Midlands Centre for Data Driven Metrology
Virtual Seminar
December 16, 2020; 15:00 (UK)
Optical Metrology and Advanced Manufacturing A happy marriage or a clash of cultures?
Peter de Groot
Abstract: Optical instruments have long played a role in manufacturing, and strong arguments favor accelerated adoption of fast, non-contact measurements of surfaces, shapes and positions as an enabler for industry 4.0. High-precision techniques such as optical interferometry have advanced considerably and have found applications ranging from semiconductor wafer lithography to automotive engine production.
In spite of clear benefits, there are persistent obstacles to the more widespread adoption of optical techniques. Many of these obstacles are technical; but others reflect the cultural gaps between academia, makers of optical instruments, standards organizations and end users. In this talk, I propose that understanding these cultural differences can assist in adapting optical methods to the most critical needs of data-driven manufacturing.
Register for this event now at mcddm-christmas-lecture.eventbrite.co.uk
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