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Interdisciplinarity explained…

So, we’ve been plugging this conference a bit over on our Twitter feed… Interdisciplinarity: Grounding social research and practice in a age of complexity. It’s the 5th ENQUIRE postgrad conference – an annual event aimed at bringing postgrads and early career researchers in social sciences together to discuss contemporary issues. This year’s is on the …

Being a lab rat – driving simulator

I’ve worked for the University for six years now. One of the things I like most about the job is getting access to cool stuff. I get to hear a lot of the calls for volunteers that researchers put out, looking for guinea pigs to help prove, or disprove, their latest theory. I’ve been in an MRI …

Nottingham researchers – it’s all about the money

Calling Nottingham researchers! Advice is available from Research and Graduate Services on funding available from the European Commission. Matthew Rackley is the person to speak to. He sent this message out, but I thought it was worth repeating in case you missed it. “This week the final and largest ever raft of FP7 calls have …

Medieval insight – the postgrad perspective

Some more postgrad love from the Research Exchange blog today… Tomorrow sees the fourth annual Institute for Medieval Research (IMR) postgraduate conference hosted by the University. This has quickly become an event of note in the medievalist calendar, and the programme at this year’s conference won’t disappoint. ‘Rethinking Medieval Methodologies:  21st Century Approaches to Understanding the …

Loud music wrecks your hearing – discuss

Well, on the evidence of a study sample of one – me – the answer looks to be yes… Following on from the PG research showcase, I’ve been looking into PhD student Robert Mackinnon’s research into whether loud music really does have an effect on your hearing. He’s leading the first research project of its kind, …

PG Showcase winners

As promised, the winners from last week’s excellent 2012 Postgraduate Research Showcase are…. (drumroll etc) Best poster via video-conference from Malaysia David Wee Shuon (stand number 47) with his poster entitled “a sound solution to rural electrification” Media prize for best press release Matthew Moles for his press release “A solution to broken hearts” **Judges of this award …

Exploding brain syndrome – PG Research Showcase

Have just got back to my desk after visiting the excellent 2012 Postgraduate Research Showcase in the Engineering and Science Learning Centre on University Park. I have a slight throbbing in the temples to be honest. There were so many interesting projects on show, and so many enthusiastic people to talk to, that I could …

Drone flights, elephants and Hendrix

You might have seen our recent research story on the work taking place on our Malaysia campus to track endangered elephants on the Malay peninsula. MEME, the Management & Ecology of Malaysian Elephants (MEME) research project, is headed up by Dr Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz, an ecologist and conservation expert, in the School of Geography. Using the very latest GPS …

Location, social media and the perception of identity

One of our postgrads is examining the connection between location and identity through use of social media. Abdur Rahman’s research is in its very early stages, but it examines how social media can create one coherent (or incoherent, depending on how you use it…) online identity for us – as opposed to arguably more multi-faceted identities …

3D printing – watch this space

Have been talking to the engineers setting up the (deep breath, because this is a mouthful…) EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Additive Manufacturing at the University. The centre will launch on July 1st, home to more than 40 researchers. They’re among the best in the world in the field of 3D printing and additive …