MyNottingham Demo

MyNottingham is the access point to the new software solutions delivered by Project Transform. It will be used by applicants and staff (GoLive 2) and also by students (GoLive 3). Interfacing with Campus Solutions, Campus CRM and eDocs, it provides a user-friendly experience. This short video offers some insight into the design and functionality of …

Meet the Student Finance workstream

Welcome to the third post in our new blog series entitled ‘Meet the workstream’. Previously we met the Student Records workstream; this week are meeting the Student Finance workstream. In each of these posts we will focus on a different workstream belonging to the larger Project Transform Process Design team, of which there are five …

GoLive 2 system walkthroughs

During the week commencing 17 August, we hosted some walkthroughs of the new software and processes with colleagues who were identified as being potential users of the GoLive 2 solution. The purpose of these walkthroughs was to give staff an idea of what they can expect from the new system and to answer their questions …

Video blog: Robert Dowling – Engaging with the University

For the delivery phase of Project Transform’s work, the project is divided into two teams; Solution and Implementation. As Director of Engagement & Transition, Robert Dowling heads up the Implementation team, which ensures that the University is adequately prepared to adopt the new software and processes. In this video blog, Robert talks about the different …

Video Blog: UNNC’s thoughts on Project Transform

We recently told you about our visit to the Malaysia campus and the staff and students’ thoughts on Project Transform. We also spent some time at the University of Nottingham China campus where staff revealed that they were very hopeful about the project’s various capabilities. One of the things that emerged was the positive tangible …

Breda Walls, Chief Student Management Officer

Our new Chief Student Management Officer, Breda Walls, joined the University on Monday 28 September. Breda will lead on management of the student journey – from registration through to graduation – and will also sit on University Executive Board. The work of Project Transform (which is part of Strategy 2020) will deliver significant changes to the …

Offline Grid successfully piloted at UNMC

Project Transform has successfully piloted the Offline Grid at the recently held UNMC Info Day on 15 August 2015. The Offline Grid, which went live during GoLive 1, enables University staff to enter the data of prospective students at events without needing an Internet connection. After the event, when there is an Internet connection, the …

Video Blog: UNMC’s thoughts on Project Transform

Project Transform has been working to develop a comprehensive online system for our students that can be used across all of our campuses, worldwide. Earlier this year we spent a few days on the Malaysia campus talking to staff and students. Both expressed considerable excitement about the venture, highlighting their expectations alongside aspects of the …

Meet the team: Simon Tonkiss, Solution Director

In each of our ‘Meet the team’ posts we will focus on a different member of the Project Transform team so that you can get to know the faces behind our work. You’ll learn a bit about each person’s experience prior to the project along with their hopes and aspirations for the solution that we’re …

Meet the Admissions workstream

Welcome to the first post in our new blog series entitled ‘Meet the workstream’. In each of these posts we will focus on a different workstream belonging to the larger Project Transform Process Design team, of which there are five – Admissions, CRM, Student Records, Student Finance and iHub. You’ll learn a bit about who …