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Staff-Student Summer Football Tournament

After exams and results and all the hard work from the academic year had passed back in June, it was time to celebrate a bit with a friendly sporting match between staff and students. Last year the sport of choice was cricket — this year: football. Cheers to undergraduates Hannah Coleman and Subin Saji for …

MEG UK 2019: Hannah’s first conference

Guest post by regular contributor Hannah Coleman, who has just completed her second year as a BSc Physics student. Over the Easter Break I had the opportunity to attend my first academic conference in Cardiff. It is unusual for undergraduates to attend conferences, but not unheard of. As I am very keen to embark on …

Staff and Student interviews: Lizzie Elmer

A new year, and a new addition to our series of staff and student interviews on the Nottingham Physics YouTube Channel. In this video, shot and edited by Hannah Coleman, 2nd year PhD student Lizzie Elmer (Nottingham MSci Physics with Astronomy, 2017) reflects on her experiences choosing to study physics at Nottingham, finding her place at university (and …

Year One Results – Physics Doesn’t Suck

So many important messages in this video by physics undergraduate student Hannah Coleman reflecting on her experience in Year One. We all know that the road to success is not without its twists, turns, and bumps along the way. As lecturers we can’t do the work for our students, but try our best to point …

Update: Physics Doesn’t Suck as Much

Almost by definition, university education requires students to push themselves (or be gently nudged) out of their comfort zones — that’s where the the real learning happens.  As the year draws to an end, we’re delighted to feature a guest post by first-year Physics student and regular UoN Physics social media contributor Hannah Coleman, giving her …

@UoN_Physics @YouTube

The School of Physics & Astronomy hasn’t been exactly shy of engaging via social media over the years. For one thing, we collaborate closely with the prolific and talented Brady Haran on a number of his successful YouTube channels including, in particular, Sixty Symbols. (The School was delighted that our efforts with Brady on Sixty …

Building on a solid foundation

The video below is a fantastic insight into the tenacious mindset that’s required to be a physicist. For anyone interested in studying physics (at any level), it’s a must-see. It was uploaded a few days ago by Hannah Coleman, who has recently (very) successfully completed a Foundation Year here at Nottingham and will be joining …