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Matilda’s report from CUWiP 2019

Matilda Chalk (2nd year Mathematical Physics student) recently attended the Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) UK in the Department of Physics at Oxford University with support from the School’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee. This highly successful annual event is hosted by the The Oxford Women in Physics Society, and brings together undergraduate women …

Staff and Student interviews: Lizzie Elmer

A new year, and a new addition to our series of staff and student interviews on the Nottingham Physics YouTube Channel. In this video, shot and edited by Hannah Coleman, 2nd year PhD student Lizzie Elmer (Nottingham MSci Physics with Astronomy, 2017) reflects on her experiences choosing to study physics at Nottingham, finding her place at university (and …

Makun’s summer internship in Cambridge

Guest post by Makun Madar (MSci Honours Physics with Astronomy) about his research experience over this past summer — by coincidence working under the supervision of another former Nottingham undergraduate! A student-athlete, Makun juggles his academic work with being President of the university athletics club. The summer between my third and fourth year was spent …

What’s it like to start university?

This is a guest post by Mark Palmieri, who has just started the third year of his undergraduate physics degree. Mark has also recently joined our social media team and produced a great video that will be of interest to anyone considering starting a university course. I’ll let Mark explain the rationale behind the video… …

Chloe’s summer internship in Oxford

Guest post by Chloe James-Turner, who is just starting her fourth and final year on the MSci Physics with Theoretical Astrophysics course. Summer research experiences are a great way for students to experience life in other institutions, learn new skills, and just enjoy doing some hands-on physics. This summer I did an internship in the …