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Longest stays in Europe make scarce hospital beds harder to get

Why is a leading psychiatrist concerned about not having the resources needed to provide psychiatric care?  Martin Baggaley, South London and Maudsley’s clinical director hit the headlines this week when he stated that too many psychiatric beds had been closed.  It is possible to specify fairly precisely how many beds are sufficient to meet the …

Concept house showcases fuel poverty technology

TV’s Dick Strawbridge was at The University of Nottingham this afternoon giving a key note speech to mark the official opening of the last ecohouse to open on Green Close – a ‘living lab’ of specially designed houses built to test and research different aspects of modern methods of construction and sustainable and renewable technologies. …

Happy 80th birthday, Sir Peter!

In 1933, construction work began on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, US  President Franklin D Roosevelt took office and attempted to steer the country through the Great Depression, cinema audiences flocked to see Faye Wray in the classic movie King Kong and Germany’s Adolf Hitler began his inexorable rise to power. And, in …

Helping students adjust to off campus life

The University of Nottingham is working with local residents, Broxtowe Borough Council, Nottinghamshire Police, Neighbourhood Watch and the Fire Service to welcome students to Beeston through two Evenings of Action. Targeting Beeston North on Monday 14 October and Beeston Central on Thursday 17 October, student ambassadors will be out with representatives from partner agencies to speak to …

It’s all about dementia…

Nottingham’s Tom Dening is celebrating his recent professorship with an inaugural lecture all about the disease he’s dedicated his career to — dementia. The lecture — Mrs Finch and the Fishbowl — concerns three journeys: Prof Dening’s own, the way in which current dementia research is heading, and dementia itself as a pathway from risk, …

#freshersweek sexism – what do you think?

This blog post on sexism at universities during Freshers’ Week was originally published on Dr Jeremy Bloomfield’s Quite Irregular blog last week. Since it was published, Dr Bloomfield has received various responses. Megan Clark wrote a piece about her experience of sexism in her first week at university, and he published another piece refuting suggestions that …

News from the week in brief

Very brief This week at the University our researchers have seen great success. Experts have been able to speed up and improve the diagnosis of cancer tissue during surgery as well as reduce unnecessary surgery and another Nottingham research project has found that altruistic or selfless behaviour is an attractive trait in a potential sexual …

Elite student nurse reflects on the first National Junior Leadership Academy

An elite group of 17 student nurses have recently completed the first part of the first ever National Junior Leadership Academy (NJLA) established by The University of Nottingham. The NJLA aims to support nursing students to construct a leadership identity early in their careers, equipping them to target the challenges they are likely to face …

News from the week in brief

Very brief Last week we were rather busy here in the press office – here’s what happened. Last Thursday, BBC Radio 5 Live dedicated 12 hours of programming to the national energy debate in ‘Energy Day’ at which Nottingham experts played a key part. Nottingham’s School of Contemporary Chinese Studies awarded its first honorary professorship …

The day in tweets #energyday

Today, BBC Radio 5 are dedicating 12 hours of programming to the national energy debate in ‘Energy Day’ and researchers from the University will be playing a key part in the event. Our Media Relations Office tweets the day in photos…     All set for BBC Five live #energyday tomorrow.         …