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Is Nick Clegg a hero? read Professor Steven Fielding’s review of the Channel 4 drama – The Coalition

During the week in which the election 2015 campaign really kicks off, Steven Fielding, Professor of of Political History, looks at the Channel 4 television drama by James Graham, which aired on Saturday 28 March. ‘The Coalition’ focuses on the five frenetic days between the 2010 election result and the formation ofBritain’s first post-war coalition …

And the winner is…? Just exactly who came out fighting in the first televised election battle – Professor Steven Fielding gives his views

In one corner, the old school pro, whose reputation precedes them and who can do no more than repeat their long-established, hammy, act. In the other, a plucky outsider many ridicule for being amateurish and simply not up to the job. But enough of Jeremy Paxman and Kay Burley, who hosted The Battle for Number …

Is the sun really starting to shine? Professor Wyn Morgan from The School of Economics looks at last week’s budget.

There is always something of a different feel about the build up to a pre-election budget. Where does the economics end and the politics begin and indeed is there any economics in it at all? Given the recent era of austerity, last week’s budget was perhaps even more eagerly anticipated than others but ultimately from …

Dr Miwa Hirono – the University expresses ‘extreme disappointment’ at Home Office decision

“The University of Nottingham is extremely disappointed that one of its most promising and talented academics, Dr Miwa Hirono, will be leaving the UK to take up a post overseas following  the Home Office’s decision that she and her family are no longer welcome in the country. “We are saddened by the decision of the Home …

Nottingham academics are shortlisted twice in national book awards

Dr Matthew Goodwin and Professor Philip Cowley are celebrating after being been shortlisted for national book awards. The political authors from the University’s School of Politics and International Relations, will be battling it out in the PADDYPOWER Political Book Awards 2015. ‘Revolt on the Right’ by Dr Goodwin is up for Political Book of the …

So why should academics engage with the media?

“Sitting in your office, in glorious isolation, may well be safer and easier, but there’s a reason for that: it’s very dull.” So said Philip Cowley, Professor of Parliamentary Government and seasoned blogger, broadcaster and tweeter, at a workshop aimed at encouraging his fellow academics to share their expertise with the wider world. There may …

What is Hong Kong’s problem with China

The Inquiry, a new series on the BBC’s World Service, looks at the situation in Hong Kong and asks where’s the love for the motherland? Taking part in this week’s programme ‘What is Hong Kong’s problem with China‘ was Professor Steve Tsang from the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies. Talking as an ‘expert witness’ he …

University of Nottingham ’roundtable’ on Ukraine crisis

If you didn’t manage to get to the ’roundtable’ discussion on the crisis in Ukraine here’s the video. The cross-disciplinary Q&A event took place on Wednesday 9 April 2014. On the panel were: Dr Nick Baron, an expert in modern Russian and Soviet history from the Department of History. Dr Maria Ryan, a lecturer in American History in the Department of …

Public round table on the Ukraine crisis

Experts from The University of Nottingham are getting together for a public discussion on the crisis in Ukraine. If you are interested in the events in Ukraine and Crimea, this cross-disciplinary roundtable Q&A event takes place at 5pm on Wednesday 9 April 2014 in the Sir Clive Granger Building on University Park. The event ‘Embittered Past? A …

Ukraine’s future depends on a delicate power game in the East

Crimea is lost Ukraine’s future depends on a delicate power game in the East. Adam Swain, Associate Professor of Economic Geography, says now that Ukraine has lost Crimea, which seems certain to be reunited with the Russian Federation, the future of the remainder of the country depends on what happens in the urban, industrial and …