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Posts by jicke

New Rothamsted international fellowship scheme launched

A new initiative has been launched between the Future Food Beacon and Rothamsted Research to support 20 fellows as visiting researchers in the UK. The Rothamsted International – University of Nottingham Fellowships  is part of a joint £5million investment to support early-career researcher opportunities in the field of international agricultural development. This collaboration focuses on vital, …

Music’s changing fast: FAST is changing music

The University of Nottingham’s Mixed Reality Lab took its latest digital music research to one of the most famous recording studios in the world, with a showcase event at Abbey Road. The exclusive event showcased the culmination of five years of digital music research from the FAST IMPACt project (Fusing Audio and Semantic Technologies for …

Maths inspired art makes front cover

An artwork created to illustrate a maths research project has been chosen to go on the front cover of the latest edition of one of the top international physics journals, ‘Physical Review Letters’.  Unusual inspiration  Quantum physics and maths are unusual inspirations for a piece of art, but research fellow Dr Paul Knott was keen …

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Computer science laces event with STEM inspiration

Young women from across the region are being invited to a special event being hosted by the School of Computer Science as part of Ada Lovelace Day on the 9thOctober. The event welcomes A-level students aged 16-18, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students. The aim of the day is to encourage more girls to …

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New workshops aim to give regional heritage organisations the tools to build a better digital future

Cultural and heritage organisations from across the region have taken part in the first ‘Citizen Scholarship’ workshop run by the University of Nottingham, which aims to provide them with the digital tools they need to improve engagement with their audiences. This new initiative, funded by the UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council, is led by …

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Sir Martyn Poliakoff wins American Chemical Society award for science communication

Sir Martyn Poliakoff has been recognised by the American Chemical Society for his science outreach work and is the 2019 recipient of the American Chemical Society’s (ACS’) Grady-Stack Award for Interpreting Chemistry for the Public Since 2008, Sir Martyn has collaborated with filmmaker Brady Haran in the production of nearly 650 videos about chemistry on the YouTube …

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PhD alumnus awarded the world’s highest honour in mathematics

PhD alumnus, Caucher Birkar, who fled the brutal war between Iraq and Iran and came to the University of Nottingham to study for a PhD, has been awarded the highest honour in Mathematics.   In his final year as an undergraduate at the University of Tehran, Caucher Birkar came to England where he sought political asylum. …

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Amazing plant root images unearthed on new website

Plant scientists at the University of Nottingham have created a new website that takes you deep underground with revealing pictures of plant roots taken using X-ray CT imaging. The Hidden Half website is a directory of plant root systems that have been imaged at The Hounsfield Facility. These X-ray CT images showcase for the first …

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Nottingham chemist wins prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry Award

Dr Deborah Kays, who works at the University of Nottingham, is the Royal Society of Chemistry Chemistry of Transition Metals winner for 2018. Dr Kays’ work focuses on making metal compounds that are not stable under normal conditions. These compounds are of importance from the study of their unusual structures and bonding, and from the examination …

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‘MRI is Nottingham’s triumph’

During the ‘beast from the east’, The One Show battled the snow and came to Nottingham to spend the day filming at the Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre. The resulting film shown last night (19th April) charts the history of MRI, starting with Tomorrow’s World footage showing Sir Peter trying out his new invention, to …

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