Author Post Archive
Charlotte Anscombe

Charlotte Anscombe

Media Relations and Campaign Manager, Nottingham

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Posts by Charlotte Anscombe

Hospital discharge – why does it create such issues? And are there any resolutions?

A Select Committee report published last week found that the incidences of unsafe discharge from NHS hospitals is still unacceptably high. Professor Justin Waring and Dr Simon Bishop from Nottingham University Business School, led on research, (funded by the National Institute for Health Research), which contributed towards the committee’s findings and its recommendations. The Select …

The Great Debate – Professor Todd Landman reviews last night’s battle between Clinton and Trump

This week is one of the most awaited in the calendar for the US presidential campaign. The primaries are over and have produced the two main candidates and their running mates, the conventions have sought to solidify support and unify the messages for each party, and the summer months have been spent on the campaign …

First chemical reaction takes place at Nottingham’s green lab

The first chemical reaction has taken place at the GSK Carbon Neutral Laboratory for Sustainable Chemistry (CNL) . The momentous experiment was carried out by undergraduate project student – Lisa Morrison along with Ana Santos and Margarida Trindade, both PhD students in Chemistry at the University. The group, which is led by Professor Peter Licence, …

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Brexit: Europe’s new nationalism is here to stay

Simon Toubeau, Assistant Professor in the School of Politics and International Relations, discusses Brexit in an article for The Conversation: It is something of a tragic irony that the European Union – originally constructed to lay to rest the atavistic nationalist impulses of the 20th century – is today behind the resurgence of such feelings …

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The Orlando nightclub shootings: The worst mass shooting in American history

Professor Todd Landman discusses the tragic events in Orlando “Once again, the United States finds itself in the aftermath of a mass shooting. This time, however, the stakes are higher and the confluence of factors is more chilling: a perpetrator pledging allegiance to ISIS, a nightclub popular in the LGBT community, the use of an …

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World-leading Institute of Hearing Research joins The University of Nottingham

  The Medical Research Council Institute of Hearing Research, based in Nottingham, has become part of The University of Nottingham’s School of Medicine. The world-leading Institute’s Scottish Section, the Medical Research Council/Chief Scientist Office Institute of Hearing Research, is also transferring to the University, although will remain based in Glasgow. The MRC Institute of Hearing …

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Puppy power helps students relax during exam period

When I walked into work and was given the option of sitting at my desk or going to spend some time with some guide dog puppies, I’ve got to say  – the decision was pretty easy. Particularly as I’m a dog lover. Seems I wasn’t the only one who like the idea. As I walked to …

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Should we stay or should we go – Experts debate ‘Brexit’ at a public debate

I’m not sure about anyone else, but as much as I hear about the EU referendum – I still couldn’t give you strong points from both sides of the argument about whether Britain should stay or go. So when I found out that the Faculty of Social Sciences were going to hold a debate, I thought this …

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How do children in conflict and the refugee crisis respond to their situations?

For children who move from their countries of origin to new countries, there are many risks, challenges and opportunities. Professor Ravi Kohli, a Professor of Child Welfare at the University of Bedfordshire will be visiting The University of Nottingham next week to hold a public lecture and workshop looking at the notion that children who …

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The Panama Papers – an expert reviews the news

Tommaso Faccio,  an expert in accounting and corporate tax, from Nottingham University Business School, has been in the media  a  great deal of late talking about the Panama Papers scandal.   Visit the Business School website. Want to know more about tax avoidance? Read his article published on The Conversation below…. What are ‘tax havens’? …

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