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Front cover of ‘WIRES 134’ from the Feminist Publications Collection

Front cover of ‘WIRES 134’ bearing the message ‘DISARM RAPISTS SMASH SEXISM’ and an image of a woman kicking a man

Magazine cover from the Feminist Publications Collection - 'Revolutionary and Radical Feminist Newsletter'Magazine cover for 'WIRES no.162' from the Feminist Publications Collection. The magizine cover shows a large venus symbol with a fist in the centre.An black-and white icon which incorporates features of both the Venus symbol and a icon of a person in a wheelchairCover of 'Revolutionary and Radical Feminist Newsletter 8, Autumn '81', showing a crowd of men and a few women sitting at tables outside the cafe. A poster shows an image of a suspected rapist being sought by the police. All the men outside the café are identical to the man in the poster.Cartoon from Resister : Leeds anarchist-feminist paper showing a woman reject the idea of buying a newspaper on the basis that they are about and for men.