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Magazine cover for WIRES

Magazine cover for ‘WIRES no.162’ from the Feminist Publications Collection

Magazine cover from the Feminist Publications Collection - 'Revolutionary and Radical Feminist Newsletter'An black-and white icon which incorporates features of both the Venus symbol and a icon of a person in a wheelchairCover of 'Revolutionary and Radical Feminist Newsletter 8, Autumn '81', showing a crowd of men and a few women sitting at tables outside the cafe. A poster shows an image of a suspected rapist being sought by the police. All the men outside the café are identical to the man in the poster.Front cover of 'WIRES 134' bearing the message 'DISARM RAPISTS SMASH SEXISM' and an image of a woman kicking a manCartoon from Resister : Leeds anarchist-feminist paper showing a woman reject the idea of buying a newspaper on the basis that they are about and for men.