Merdeka Award

Established by key players in the Malaysian oil & gas industry – PETRONAS, ExxonMobil and Shell – in conjunction with Malaysia’s 50th anniversary in 2007, the award aims to recognise and reward Malaysians and non-Malaysians who have made outstanding and lasting contributions to the nation and the people of Malaysia in their respective fields. More …

Malaysia shortlists announced for IChemE Awards 2013

I am sure that you will join me is wishing good luck to those that are in the shortlist for the Malaysia IChemE Awards 2013. The award ceremony will take place on the 21st Oct in Kuala Lumpur. Header Image: Chemical Engineering. Downlaoded from Google (13 Oct 2013), labelled as free to reuse. URL:

UNMC Mechanical Engineering Student returned with trophy from the IMechE EngNow 2013, Hong Kong

This post was contributed by Albert Tshai KY IMechE “EngNow – The Future of Engineering is Now” is an inaugural cross regional IMechE event encompasses a collection of activities over 4 days, 14th – 17th September 2013, including a Design Competition for the Visually Impaired (DCVI), Asia Pacific Speak Out for Engineering competition (API SOfE) …

Peter Mitchell elected as a Fellow of the British Psychological Society

On 1st June 2013 it was announced that Peter Mitchell has been elected as a Fellow of the British Psychological Society (FBPsS), the highest designation that the British Psychological Society (BPS) can award. The title FBPsS is bestowed on an individual who is adjudged by the BPS to have made an “outstanding contribution to the …

Thomas Barker wins the International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) 2013 Reading Committee Accolade

SMLC Assistant Professor Thomas Barker has won the International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) 2013 Reading Committee Accolade for “Most Captivating and Accessible Thesis“. The prizes were awarded at the IBP 2013 Award Ceremony in Macao on 25 June 2013 as part of the ICAS8 conference. Over a hundred scholars from around the world submitted …

MIT Technology Review TR35 Awards- Call for nominations in Malaysia

We have just received this email, which looks like a very interesting opportunity. If you believe that you qualify, or know somebody who does, I encourage you to take a look at the email below, along with the attached flyer. MIT Technology Review, the world’s oldest and most respected technology magazine, is looking for 10 …

Dominic Foo receives award from the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan

Professor Ir Dr Dominic C. Y. Foo has just been awarded the Outstanding Asian Researcher and Engineer by the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan (SCEJ).  This award is granted to outstanding individuals under the age of 45, who contribute to research and technological development of chemical engineering that have resulted in significant improvements in Asia. …

Merdeka Award Trust: Call for Entry

We have just received this, and thanks to Deepa for passing on this information. The Merdeka Award Trust has recently announced the Call-To-Entry for the Merdeka Award Grant for International Attachment 2013-2014. The Grant provides an exceptional opportunity for discerning Malaysians at a post graduate level to be attached to a renowned institution or organisation …

Award of Recognition for contribution in Postharvest Research and Education

An Award of Recognition was presented by CIGR (International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering) to nine leading international researchers in the field of postharvest technologies. The awards were presented for ‘Contribution in Postharvest Research and Education’  …. see more.

Pin Pin Oh and Karol Opara awarded Mikhalevich Award

Pin Pin Oh (Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering), together with Karol Opara, were awarded the Mikhalevich Award for outstanding work by participants of the 3-month Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP) organized in the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Laxenburg, Austria. The Mikhalevich Award provides financial support for the winners to return …