Author Post Archive
Graham Kendall

Graham Kendall

Vice-Provost (Resaerch and Knowledge Transfer),

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Posts by Graham Kendall

Nottingham MyResearch: First Contract Signed with Havys Oil Mill Sdn Bhd

At the launch event last week, MyResearch signed its first contract. We are very happy to have Havys Oil Mill Sdn Bhd as our first customer and we look foward to working with them over the coming months and years. The project will look at an Integrated-aerobic Bioreactor System for the Treatment of POME (Palm …

Where we drive affects how we drive

“For the first time a team of experts have been looking at the cross-cultural effect on drivers’ hazard perception and their research has shown that compared to British drivers, Malaysian motorists are less likely to identify situations as dangerous and also react to them later…” … so starts a piece recently published in The …

Deck the halls with research stories

As we approach (one of) the festive season in Malaysia we are on the hunt for festive stories from UNMC, and beyond that have a passing semblance of research and/or knowledge transfer about it. My UK colleagues would say that this is far too early to be talking like this, but I note that Pavillion …

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Nottingham MyResearch is launched

On the 28th November 2013 MyResearch was officially launched. If you are a company that is interested in talking to MyResearch, please contact Fion Fah ( or Angelina Yee ( MyResearch is the first company fully owned by a private university that has been awarded MIDA R&D status. We are very grateful to MIDA (Malaysian …

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Academic Life – Resources for aspiring (and established) academics

We recently came across an interesting blog, which you may find useful. It’s one of those blogs you come across and then spend the next hour browsing it! We’d also remind you to take a look at the various social media resources that are available at UNMC.  

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Second round of Early Career Academic Grants open

The second round of the ACU Early Career Academic Grants is now open. An integral part of our centenary celebrations, the grants are intended to assist staff at ACU member universities in the initial stages of their academic career by providing funding to attend academic conferences and meetings around the Commonwealth, thus enabling the recipients …

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What is your Erdös Number?

Paul Erdös (1913-1996) is one of the most prolific mathmeticians. He wrote over 1500 papers in his lifetime and collaborated with over 500 people. As a tribute, his friends created the Erdös number, which is a tongue in cheek way of asking how well you are associated with the top mathematicians. Erdös himself has an …

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Recent Blog Posts

We occasionally look around the UoN blogs just to see what other people are writing about. Two posts recently caught our eye, as they are very much Malaysian focussed. Malaysian rainforest project (from Alumni Life blog) Malaysia plans to be the first Islamic financial superpower (from the Centre for Risk, Banking and Financial Services blog)    

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Research Leaders Programme: Visit to UNMC

It was our pleasure this week to host a group of our UK based colleagues who are participating in the Research Leaders Programme. This programme is designed to identify and develop promising individuals with the University via a twelve month training programme. As part of that training, they have to visit one of the international …

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Numberphile (Can Fish Count)

In this series, we are presenting videos from the Numberphile Videos (Web Site) project. This project is a colllection of videos about numbers. The video below looks at Can Fish Count? Previous blog entries on this topic can be seen seen here (this is a link to entries tagged with numberphile videos).

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