Author Post Archive
Graham Kendall

Graham Kendall

Vice-Provost (Resaerch and Knowledge Transfer),

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Posts by Graham Kendall

VeRoLog Solver Challenge 2014

If you are interested in the Vehicle Routing Problem (although the actual problem being considered is called Swap-Body Vehicle Routing Problem (SB-VRP)), you might be interested in this competition. The deadline, to register, is the 31st Dec 2013 although the actual submission deadline is not until April. The competition is run by VeRoLog and full …

Christmas posts from around the University

We thought it might be nice to see what other University of Nottingham blogs have been saying during this festive season. A Christmas message: Bacon and turkey not necessarily a recipe for continuing success (from Entrepreneurship, Enterprise and Innovation blog) Advent Calendar from Nottingham’s Massive Open Online Courses‘ blog I’ll be home for Christmas! (from …

Can Santa deliver all those presents in 24 hours? TheConversation discusses the science

In a few hours Santa will begin his annual tour of the world, dropping down chimney’s and delivering presents to all the children who have behaved themselves this year. It is amazing that he can deliver all these presents in a single night, even if we account for the fact that time differences gives him …

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The 12 days of Pascal’s triangular Christmas

“One of the most magical aspects of mathematics is the ability for complex and intricate structures to emerge from the simplest of rules. Few mathematical objects are simpler to create – and few weave such a variety of intricate patterns – as Pascal’s marvellous triangle….” So starts this very nice article about this fabulous mathematical …

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About Life Fantastic: Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 2013

In a previous post, we mentioned the Royal Institution Christmas lectures. It seems timely to mention them again. The 2013 lectures will be given by Dr Alison Woollard from the University of Oxford. She will “explore the frontiers of developmental biology and uncovers the remarkable transformation of a single cell into a complex organism.” More …

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Women in Leadership – A Research-Based Christmas Wish List

Following on from the launch of WinSET (Women in Science, Engineering and Technology) and because it’s Christmas, it seemed a good time to bring this video to your attention.

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How to become good at peer review: A guide for young scientists

As we progress through our academic career, we will be asked more and more frequently to review papers, and research proposals. We recently cane across this blog post, which you might find interesting/useful. Header image: Peer Review (Downloaded from Google, 18 Dec 2013, labelled as free to reuse) URL:

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H2020 Launched – 145 Calls Already Published

HORIZON 2020 LAUNCHED WITH 15 BILLION EUR OVER FIRST 2 YEARS – 145 CALLS ALREADY PUBLISHED On 11/12 the European Commission presented calls for projects under Horizon 2020, the European Union’s 80 billion EUR research and innovation programme. Most calls from the 2014 budget are already open for submission, with more to follow over the …

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eMyRA visit by Dr Khua Kia Kien

We recently (13th Dec 2013) invited Dr Khua Kia Kien to visit us to talk to us about the new eMYRA system. Dr Khua works at USM, and was one of the key developers of the system. Dr Khua met with the Research Support Office, as well as some key academic staff. eMyRA started as …

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Commercialisation and Nanotechnology talk (Dr Angelina Yee)

Dr Angelina Yee recently (11th Dec 2013) gave a keynote talk at the Commercialisation and Nanotechnology Seminar. Sharing the platform, and also giving keynote talks, were Prof. Datuk Dr Hamilton Hamdan (Vice Chancellor of University of Malaysia of Computer Science) and Dato’ Dr Cheng Kok Leong (CEO of NanoPac (M) Sdn Bhd). Angelina’s talk was …

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