Author Post Archive
Graham Kendall

Graham Kendall

Vice-Provost (Resaerch and Knowledge Transfer),

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Posts by Graham Kendall

TheConversation: The maths behind your examination timetable

As UNMC, along with many other universities, enters its examination period, we suspect that students have more to worry about than how the examination timetable is created. But, in case you do care, a recent piece in TheConversation explains some of the difficulties, and why it is impossible to create a timetable that everybody is …

First year UNMC student (Yen Yi Loo) publishes monsoon study

“A first year Environmental Science student at The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) has had a literature review of the Southeast Asian monsoon published in the academic journal Geoscience Frontiers. Her research concluded that future climate warming could lead to a 15 day delay in the monsoon onset in Southeast Asia by the start …

Free Access to Bell System Technical Journal (1922-1983)

As a gift to history, the Bell System Journal (1922-1983) is being made available for free. Whilst quite niche (as most journals are, by definition), as it looks at the advances in telecomunications, it does provide access to the historical developments through a very important period for the industry and for developments as we approached …

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Graham Kendall becomes a Fellow of the British Computer Society

Graham Kendall has recently become a Fellow of the British Computer Society (BCS). A fellowship is the highest level of membership in the BCS “is recognition of achievement and contribution to the IT profession. It is for those who demonstrate a commitment to advancing standards; strategic leadership and best practice, and encourage this in others.” …

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Iraq needs academics to rebuild reputation of its university sector

“As Iraqis prepare to go to the polls to vote in parliamentary elections ten years on from the invasion, the country is a lifetime away from where things used to be. Iraq’s education system, once one of the best in the Middle East with a series of flourishing universities in the 1960s and 1970s, has …

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Graham Kendall invited to serve as Associate Editor on two new journals

Professor Graham Kendall has recently been invited to serve as an Associate Editor on two new journals (International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics and Operations Research Perspectives). Graham now serves as an Associate Editor on ten journals. This post follows a number of recent announcements of UNMC staff being asked to serve as …

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John Conway’s Game of Life

In this series, we are presenting videos from the Numberphile Videos (Web Site) project. This project is a colllection of videos about numbers. The video below looks at John Conway’s Game of Life? Previous blog entries on this topic can be seen seen here (this is a link to entries tagged with numberphile videos). If you …

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Long standing membership award for Dr Angelina Yee

Dr Angelina Yee has received a 10-year long-standing member award as a Certified Practicing Accountant (CPS) in a Member’s Recognition Evening, organised by CPA Australia in KLCC on 6 May 2014. This award is given to recognize member’s contribution to the accounting profession, as member of CPA Australia. I am sure that everybody at UNMC …

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UNMC-IEM Student Chapter “Gift of Knowledge” Charity Event

This post was contributed by Hii Ching LIk A charity event was organized by the UNMC-IEM Student Chapter on the 26th April 2014 at the University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus. About 40 children from Desa Amal Jireh (Semenyih) and Openhands (Kajang) were invited to the campus and the main objective of this event was to …

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Up Close and Personal with Sean Matthews

An interview with Sean Matthews (Head of School (UNMC) for the School of Modern Langugaes and Cultures) was ercently featured in the British Council’s Educational Intelligence newsletter. The piece can be seen here. “Is this microphone working?”  

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