June 19, 2014, by Graham Kendall

Proposal Writing Workshop (12th June 2014)

On the 12th June 2014, the Research Support Office (RSO), along with the Research Training and Academic Developmnt unit (RTAD) held a proposal writing workshop.

The aim of these workshops (and this is the latest in a series) is to encourage people to write (and, importantly, submit) proposals. It also gives researchers the opportunity to work with other researchers, from other disciplines, and also work with mentors who have “been there and done that.

The format of the workshop is shown below.

Start End Activity Person Room
10:00 10:15 Welcome Interests and Expertise Graham KendallSue Scarborough
10:15 11:00 International and Industrial grants -potential grants available and how to apply.Review & cluster interests by panel and mentors Angelina YeePanel & Mentors
11:00 11:15 Coffee Break




Government grants /MOSTI application/ MOE applicationsMix & Mingle:

  • review clusters to generate proposal ideas
Anita/RSOSue Scarborough
12:15 13:15 Lunch and prayers
13:15 14:00 Panel of different perspectives on writing proposals.

  • The mechanics by research themes/clusters


Panel:Graham KendallNashirubillaAngelina Y

Zaharom Nain


14:00 15:00 Breakout session: move into separate rooms based on clusters of interest.

  • Develop ideas for proposals from clusters &/or get feedback on existing ideas.







Online grant application

  • Useful for new users who would like to get registered online and know how to use the government grants portal.


Mentors:FASS:Hazel MelanieFOS:

Ahimsa Campos

Asgar Ali


Khiew Poi Sim

Law Chung Lim

Chong Mei Fong







15:00 15:15 Tea Break
15:15 16:00 Pitching session: Submit preliminary draft proposal outlines to the panel and pitch to the mentors.Example: Title, people involved, objectives, research areas, applying for which grant.  Mentors
16:00 17:00 Feedback on proposals Panel


The highlight of the day (for me anyway) was the pitching session. This is when we get to hear what all the hard work has led to.

As always, we were not disappointed, and there were five high quality proposals presented.

The challange now is to further develop these proposals, get them written up and submitted. Of course, we’d also like to see them being funded! Good luck.

Of course, these workshops don’t just happen and we owe a great deal of thanks to the RSO, RTAD and the mentors who also took time out of their busy schedules to make the workshop a success.

It was also pleasing to see so many post0graduate researchers there. I am sure that there input was invaluable and welcomed in the various discussions.

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Posted in FundingWorkshop