July 1, 2013, by Graham Kendall

Journal Rankings

Most of us wil be familiar with Thompson Reuter’s ISI and Scopus as a way of giving an indication of journal quality. Both ISI and Scopus are largely based on impact factors.

You might not be as aware of some of the other journal rankings that are available.

    1. ABS (Association of Business Schools) Journal ListThe ABS list seems to be in a state of flux at the moment.
      The ABS page points you to http://www.bizschooljournals.com/. The archive tab has lists of jouranls going back a number of years. The latest ones seem to come from 2009. It is my understanding that a new ABS list will be released in 2014.
    2. COPIOR (Committee of Professors of Operational Research) Journal List (link)
    3. ERA (Excellence in Research for Australia) 2012 Journal List (link)

We are not saying that one measure of a journals quality is better than any other, but it is worth being aware of the various resources that are available, if nothing else, so that you are able to get a more balanced view than just looking at one particular source of imformation.

If you know of any other jounal ranking lists, post a comment below and we’ll update the list.

Header Image: Wimborne Chained Library (downloaded from Google 25 Jun 2013), labelled as free to reuse. (Original: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sjdunphy/6294373097/)

Posted in Dissemination