February 8, 2013, by Graham Kendall

MyRA 2012: Final Push

As I am sure you are aware, we have to submit our 2012 MyRA return on the 20th Feb 2013. This also coincides with the xRGS submission deadline and having Chinese New Year next week does not really help us but, we are where we are and we have to push on.

The Research Support Office would like to thank everybody for responding (mostly) in a timely manner and we are now consolidating the data to try and complete the return. Without your help and support the return would simply not be possible.

We will be working on the return right up to the deadline of the 20th Feb and there will inevitably be questions and queries. If you get asked a question about MyRA data could you please respond as quickly as possible as we are now working on very tight deadlines.

Once again, thanks for your help so far and Happy New Year.


Posted in MyRA