Perform or perish? Guilty confessions of a YouTube physicist
August 20, 2013
This post by Philip Moriarity was first published in physicsfocus on 9 August, 2013 and has been reposted here with the author’s permission. This week is YouTube’s Geek Week so it seems a particularly (in)opportune moment to come clean about some niggling doubts I’ve been having of late about physics education/edutainment on the web. Before …
Bringing science to life: Brady Haran’s approach to science communication
January 22, 2013
I have been following Brady Haran’s work as a science video journalist here at the University of Nottingham since its beginning in 2008. We have had many chats about his ethos and his practice of communicating science. Today I went to a talk by Brady that brought this ethos to life for me, an ethos …