February 13, 2014, by Warren Pearce

Amelia Sharman audio & Prezi: Mapping the climate sceptical blogosphere

Amelia Sharman conclusions

Amelia Sharman gave a seminar last week ‘Mapping the Climate Sceptical Blogosphere’ to the Institute for Science and Society, as part of Making Science Public’s month of climate change lectures.

Amelia discussed her methods for determining which blogs were most central to those amongst what can (loosely) be called a climate sceptic community, and the kinds of issues those blogs discussed regularly.

You can hear Amelia’s talk here.

We had a technical failure during the talk, which causes a very brief hiatus after five minutes or so, but which Amelia dealt with very professionally. For those who were there and wanted to see the Prezi presentation, and to those listening for the first time now, you can see the visuals here. [In case you are wondering who is chairing the session, that is me.]



Posted in Climate Change