View this author's profilePosts by sarasleigh
Are Plant-based Diets Good for the Brain?
November 7, 2018
Written by Vaishali Gursal (3rd year BSc Neuroscience) Earlier this month, a study by the University of Oxford concluded that a global switch to a plant-based diet (rich in fruits and vegetables, along with a heavily decreased consumption of red and processed meat) could cut greenhouse gas emissions by two-thirds, reduce global expenditure on …
Optogenetics: Illuminating Research by Controlling Cells with Light
July 25, 2018
By Laura Humphrys, Postgraduate Research Student Optogenetics allows us to switch cells on and off using light. The term ‘optogenetics’ is easiest to understand when broken down into its two important features: ‘opto’ meaning light, and ‘genetics’ referring to DNA and our biological makeup. Different techniques associated with optogenetics all have the common goal to …
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