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New students, tell us what you think

If you joined the University this September as a new undergraduate or postgraduate student, and you haven’t studied here before, we want to hear from you… You’ve arrived at uni (welcome!) and settled in. You’ve sorted your finances, got your timetable and started meeting people. So far, so good. We want to know whether you …

10th International Open Access Week

Celebrating Open Access! It’s the 10th International Open Access Week on 23-29 October 2017! This year’s theme is an invitation to answer the question of what tangible benefits can be achieved by making scholarly outputs openly available. “Open in order to…” is intended as a prompt to go beyond talking about openness and focus instead …

On trial: ProQuest Historical Newspapers Times of India (1838-2008)

Our current trial provides searchable, full text access to The Times of India (1838-2008), providing first-hand accounts and coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. The Times of India is the world’s largest circulation English daily newspaper. Founded in 1838 to serve the British residents of West India, The Times of India …

On trial: SPIE Digital Library

Our latest trial is to the SPIE Digital Library. This resource provides students and researchers with access to the world’s largest collection of research papers in optics and photonics. The collection includes journals, conference papers/presentations and over 300 e-books. Topics covered include applied remote sensing, optical engineering, biomedical optics, electronic imaging and astronomical telescopes, instruments …

Libraries Week Feature – A visit to Hallward Library from Mencap Me Time, Nottingham group

It’s Libraries Week which provides us with the perfect opportunity to tell you about a visit we hosted during the summer for the Nottingham Mencap Me Time group. During the summer, a group from Nottingham Mencap Me Time group  enjoyed a visit to Hallward Library, organised by one of our Senior Library Advisers and Mencap Facilitator, Laura …

The new Leisure Reading Collection at Greenfield Medical Library

We have a new leisure reading collection in the Greenfield Medical Library. Libraries, Research and Learning Services (LRLR) have created this new collection  to support student well-being and broaden student horizons. Drawing on the ideas behind Bibliotherapy , the concept that reading can be an effective way to relieve stress, this new pilot collection aims to support …

Ready, Set, Go!! How to get started in libraries for new students

Welcome to all our new students! Your exciting University journey has begun and we would like to welcome in joining our library community. We’ve pulled together some helpful tips on how to get ready, set yourself up, and get going in your first weeks here at the University of Nottingham. Ready… Do complete your University …

Has your reading list made our top ten?

Online Reading Lists (in Talis Aspire) are proving very popular with University of Nottingham students and staff. Not only do they allow academics to create dynamic reading lists with a consistent approach across courses, they also allow the Library to purchase materials and appropriately resource the course to support teaching. Students can make best use …

Improving academic support and engagement

By Beth Massey (former SU Education Officer) As my time as Students’ Union (SU) Education Officer came to an end, I was asked by Libraries, Research and Learning Resources (LRLR) to work with them on shaping a project to review their academic engagement and support. As a department LRLR is taking a fresh look at how they engage with the academic community here …

Helping students to prioritise their reading

The last in a series of three blogs looking at themes arising from ‘Reading strategies’ projects commissioned by LRLR under the Students as Change Agents (SACA) programme.  On Thursday 15 June an invited audience – including Professor Sarah O’Hara (PVC for Education and the Student Experience) and Beth Massey (outgoing Students’ Union Education Officer) – assembled at the Arts Centre, University …