On trial: Cold War Eastern Europe
April 19, 2021
We are pleased to bring you trial access to Cold War Eastern Europe. Ranging from 1953 – 1982, Cold War Eastern Europe provides access to over 16,000 files from the political departments of the U.K. Foreign Office responsible for reporting on the Soviet Union and the socialist states of Eastern Europe. Sourced from the National Archives …
Gale – temporary additional online resources
March 22, 2021
In addition to the vast range of online resources that we already provide access to via NUsearch, during the first lockdown some publishers offered extended or additional access to their content. Gale have kindly opened up additional historical newspaper titles. These are free to access until 15 May 2021. British Library Newspapers IV & V …
On trial: The Philosopher
March 4, 2021
We are pleased to bring you trial access to the journal, The Philosopher (Exact Editions). The Philosopher is the longest-running public philosophy journal in the UK. Founded in 1923, it is the official journal of the Philosophical Society of England (PSE), a charitable organization founded ten years earlier than the journal in 1913, and still running …
On trial: collections from Adam Matthew
February 22, 2021
We are pleased to bring you trial access to the Defining Gender and Mass Observation Online collections from Adam Matthew. Defining Gender The Defining Gender collection explores the study and analysis of gender, leisure and consumer culture. It includes primary source material from British archives and is of interest to users studying history, literature, sociology, …
On trial: Project Syndicate
February 17, 2021
We are pleased to bring you trial access to Project Syndicate. This provides access to thousands of expert commentaries on current affairs, written by leading states people, economists, policymakers, and other global leaders. Access includes more than 100 monthly commentaries, podcasts, videos, virtual events, magazines, and an archive of over 14,000 commentaries in up to …
Proquest – temporary additional online resources
January 20, 2021
In addition to the vast range of online resources that we already provide access to via NUsearch, during the first lockdown some publishers offered extended or additional access to their content. Proquest have kindly opened up additional primary source material. Resources include some of the largest periodical, newspaper and government documents collections available and are …
On trial: Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals with Full Text
December 18, 2020
We are pleased to bring you trial access to Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals with Full Text. The trial provides access to an extensive collection of rare, primary source periodicals from the Early Romantic to the Modern period. This is a unique collection which is not available anywhere else online, with over 1 million, full …
On trial: additional JoVE video content
November 20, 2020
We are pleased to bring you trial access to JoVE Research and Education Video collections. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) is the leading producer of science videos for research, teaching and learning, bringing to life detailed examination of cutting-edge experiments. The videos give an in depth understanding to STEM subjects, increasing student engagement and learning …
On trial: Newspaper resources
November 9, 2020
We are pleased to bring you trial access to two current newspaper resources. PressReader offers digital access to over 7,000 newspapers in more than 60 languages. Gale OneFile: News offers full-text access to more than 2,300 major newspapers around the world. Both trials will run from 1st November for one month. Please send your feedback to the Libraries Collections team: collections@nottingham.ac.uk
On trial: Medieval and Early Modern Sources Online
November 5, 2020
Currently available on trial is Medieval and Early Modern Sources Online (MEMSO) from TannerRitchie Publishing. MEMSO covers Britain and its place in the world during the medieval and early modern period (c. 1100-1800). It combines key printed sources for English, Irish, Scottish and Colonial history with original manuscripts. Whether your specialism is political, ecclesiastical, social, …
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