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Librarian (Collections),

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Posts by Sarah

On trial: British Library Newspapers parts III – V

British Library Newspapers consists of collections from the British Library which span over 200 years of newspaper publishing in the U.K. In five parts, this series forms one of the largest collections of regional newspapers from the UK. Titles from England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales have been digitized, providing an alternative voice to the major …

Trial access: Additional Collections in the Archives of Sexuality & Gender LGBTQ History and Culture since 1940

University of Nottingham Libraries have ongoing access to Gale’s Archives of Sexuality and Gender: LGBTQ History and Culture since 1940, Part I. To mark LGBT+ History Month 2020, we’ve arranged trial access to two further collections within the archive. The trial runs until 4 March. About the Archives The Archives connect students and researchers to …

Over £11,400 raised to support literacy projects!

Over the summer, we’ve been removing some final copies of low-use books from our libraries and stores in order to improve access to more relevant texts. We’ve worked with our academic community to make decisions about which titles to discard. In this blog post, we want to tell you a bit more about what happens …

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On trial: Making of Modern Law: American Civil Liberties Union Papers, 1912-1990

We currently have trial access to the Making of Modern Law: American Civil Liberties Union Papers, 1912-1990, parts I & II. This database is an archive of the records of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) which focuses on civil rights, race, gender, and issues relating to the U.S. Supreme Court. Its records offer researchers a …

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On trial – Gale’s Digital Scholar Lab

Guest Blog by Erin Snyder, Director of the Faculty of Arts Digital Transformations Hub Last summer, I was pleased to attend the Digital Humanities Congress 2018 at the University of Sheffield. Gale were showcasing their new Digital Scholar Lab and I was impressed enough to ask the library to help set up a trial at …

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On trial: European Literature, 1790-1840: The Corvey Collection

Our latest trial is to Nineteenth Century Collections Online: European Literature, 1790-1840: The Corvey Collection. This Collection includes the full-text of more than 9,500 English, French and German titles sourced from the library of Victor Amadeus, whose Castle Corvey collection was one of the most spectacular discoveries of the late 1970s. European Literature, 1790-1840: The …

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Sage Research Methods

We’re delighted to bring you access to Sage Research Methods, a database dedicated to research methods across a range of subject areas.  SAGE Research Methods supports research at all levels by providing material to guide users through every step of the research process. Read on to find out more, book a training session or join a …

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Digimap Collection – additional content!

Digimap is an online map and data delivery service. Digimap primarily comprises two applications, one for creating maps online, the other for downloading data which enables further analysis and investigation in other packages. Our Digimap access has expanded for the coming year. In addition to the Ordnance Survey, Historic and Geology collections, we now have …

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On trial: Historical newspaper archives

We’re pleased to bring you trial access to a number of historical newspaper archives from Gale Primary Sources: The Telegraph Historical Archive, 1855-2000 The Financial Times Historical Archive, 1888-2016 British Library Newspapers, parts III – V   The Telegraph Historical Archive, 1855-2000 The Daily Telegraph was launched in 1855, and within 10 years was able …

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On trial: American Antiquarian Society Archive Collection

We’re pleased to bring you trial access to the entire American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection. Partnering with the AAS, the premier library documenting the life of America’s people from the Colonial Era through the Civil War and Reconstruction, EBSCO Information Services provides digital access to the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published …

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