Discover our collections: LGBTQ+
February 19, 2021
Information and materials related to LGBTQ+ topics can be found in a wide range of sources, including those which may not directly have an LGBTQ+ focus. Updated in 2022, this blog offers an introduction to just some of the many related resources that can be found in our collections, including our LGBTQ+ reading list. Books …
On trial: Project Syndicate
February 17, 2021
We are pleased to bring you trial access to Project Syndicate. This provides access to thousands of expert commentaries on current affairs, written by leading states people, economists, policymakers, and other global leaders. Access includes more than 100 monthly commentaries, podcasts, videos, virtual events, magazines, and an archive of over 14,000 commentaries in up to …
NUsearch upgrade: Yewno widget and saved searches
February 7, 2021
Find out about the new features in the latest upgrade to the university’s library discovery tool, NUsearch. Introducing the Yewno Discover widget In May 2020, University of Nottingham Libraries began running a trial of the next-generation search tool Yewno Discover. Designed to help users explore and discover connections between concepts, Yewno uses artificial intelligence to map and visualise links between topics across all academic fields, drawing upon ideas from millions of scholarly articles, …
Proquest – temporary additional online resources
January 20, 2021
In addition to the vast range of online resources that we already provide access to via NUsearch, during the first lockdown some publishers offered extended or additional access to their content. Proquest have kindly opened up additional primary source material. Resources include some of the largest periodical, newspaper and government documents collections available and are …
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