// Archives

British Colonial Office statistics from British Online Archives

We now have access to the following collections available via British Online Archives: Colonial Africa in official statistics, 1821-1953 African Blue Books, 1821-1953 These statistics cover the history of thirteen colonies across Africa. Most colonial statistics cover that colony’s funds, its population and the names of its officers. Details of which countries each colony was …

Sage Research Methods

We’re delighted to bring you access to Sage Research Methods, a database dedicated to research methods across a range of subject areas.  SAGE Research Methods supports research at all levels by providing material to guide users through every step of the research process. Read on to find out more, book a training session or join a …

The Student online reading list experience gets better

On 6th September we made improvements to the student online reading list experience by upgrading to a better designed interface and easier to use functionality. Student users of reading lists will experience a new interface that is: Mobile responsive and easy to access either via Moodle or directly via the reading list system A much …