October 11, 2023, by aczht
Kicking off the MSc Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management with a buzz
Instead of a “thank goodness, it’s Friday” vibe at the end of a busy first week of term, the new cohort of MSc Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management students set our weekly seminar class abuzz by taking part in their first group work activity: interviewing an experienced business entrepreneur. Module convenor, Dr Isobel O’Neil explains:
“At HGI we value every opportunity to bring together our students, who possess a truly global perspective, with inspiring entrepreneurial leaders from the Nottingham community and beyond. Through asking questions such as ‘what has been the most surprising aspect of your entrepreneurial journey?’, our freshly-arrived-in-Nottingham MSc cohort gained poignant advice about entrepreneurship and the working world more broadly. Hearing such insights in the first week of term not only helps them bond a group who are embarking upon this one-year MSc educational experience together but also allows us to showcase the fantastic mentors and leaders we have as part of our HGI entrepreneurial ecosystem.”

Mel Berry and Dr Isobel O’Neil with students (left to right) Chak Long Leung, Wenhao Zhao, Weijia Shi, Leyao Chang and Nupur Sahni.
MSc student Nupur Sahari, shares what she took away from her group’s discussion with Entrepreneur-in Residence (EiR), Mel Berry (Her Spirit):
“Something Mel shared has made me feel even more passionate than before: Be the trailblazer that you are and enjoy the journey.”
Respectively, the feeling of being enriched by the conversation works both ways, Candy Candappa, also an EiR, reported back about how much he had gained from the conversation:
“I wasn’t expecting to, but I came away from the session with a significant positive buzz. The questions asked required me to consider not only what I had done and how but, more importantly, why. That elevated my thinking from the everyday, where one can often get bogged down with issues and the practicalities of making a business run or work, to remember what my aspirations were, to the journey and, to an extent, the desired outcomes. It was both cathartic and inspirational by turns.”
EiR David Rolfe was equally happy to have been involved, sharing his impression of the students he met:
“They asked really great questions which, for me, were just the right ones. They were full of energy and enthusiasm and clearly keen to make their way in the world; they certainly won’t settle for an average life.
“The key message was the only thing you cannot do is the one you haven’t tried!”
Let’s hope all our HGI students adopt such a philosophy for the year ahead as an MSc student at the University of Nottingham. Afterall, like no other time in your life, our students have every opportunity to try new things and embrace all on offer be that intellectually, socially and or culturally.
Dr Isobel O’Neil and the MSc Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management students extend their heartfelt thanks to all who gave up precious time to take part, in no particular order:
Graham Podmore (EiR), David Rolfe (EiR), Paul Crick (The Elevate Partnership), Alastair Campbell (Hurricane Works), Mike Collis (Arc Portfolio Management Ltd), Tyrone Courtman (RSM UK Restructuring Advisory LLP), Candy Candappa (Purple Production Services), Junyi Xiao (W & W Trading and Consulting Ltd), Olivia Swift (Lotus Maternity), Mel Berry (Her Spirit)
Find out more about the MSc Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management course and follow HGI on Linkedin to keep up-to-date with news and events.
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