Message from Steve Chapman – Welcome back!
September 27, 2017
Welcome back everyone, I hope you all had a good summer, and are as excited about the coming year as we are. For us at the Ingenuity Lab, it’s all about the community and how we build that community to provide support for you as entrepreneurs to fulfill your potential. It’s worth reminding you that …
Ingenuity17 Business Plan: Keys to success
March 9, 2017
“The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary” – Vince Lombardi Over the coming fortnight, the Ingenuity17 judges will have over 180 business plans to go through, in order to choose the Top 20. Whether this is your first or fifth Business Plan, we hope these tips can give you a final …
The benefits of an inspirational working environment
December 6, 2016
“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have” – Maya Angelou The Ingenuity Lab’s mission is to create an environment where entrepreneurs can channel their creativity and start their own enterprises. This innovative culture our community adopts is a fantastic way to generate new ideas. Our big move to The Ingenuity Centre …
Meet the Interns!
December 2, 2016
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn” – Benjamin Franklin Following a successful pilot in 2015, The Ingenuity Lab Internship scheme has expanded for 2016/17, with an ambition of 20 students joining Ingenuity Lab based businesses as interns throughout the academic year. Over the past few …
Your Bike CIC: Cycling towards progress
September 23, 2016
In The Ingenuity Lab, no day is the same and every member has a different story and requirements. As a group, we support each other, collaborate and ensure we have as much fun along the day; creating a melting pot of ideas! Each week, we will introduce one of our exemplary members and their business …
Congradulations from The Ingenuity Lab
July 15, 2016
“Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire” We are halfway through the Summer Graduation season at The University of Nottingham. This means just over 7,500 students are moving on to embark on new adventures – whether that involves entering the workplace, travelling the world or continuing to study and research. During the …
Fanbytes and the future
July 6, 2016
In the Ingenuity Lab, no day is the same and every member has a different story and requirements. As a group, we support each other, collaborate and ensure we have as much fun along the day; creating a melting pot of ideas! Each week, we will introduce one of our exemplary members and their business …
10 things to make your working day better
June 24, 2016
“It’s never too late to start over. If you weren’t happy with yesterday, try something different today. Don’t stay stuck. Do better” Our Twitter feed is full of articles being shared on how to make the working day more efficient, enjoyable and exciting. From making a to-do list to practicing desk yoga – we’ve read …
The Nottingham Ingenuity Fund
June 15, 2016
One of the best parts about working for the Ingenuity Lab is being able to see our members’ business ideas develop, grow and succeed during their time with us. So we gave ourselves a week to recharge our batteries after Ingenuity16, and then jumped straight back in with finding opportunities to stretch Ingenuity Lab members …
Anika Vassell: Making parenting teenagers easy-peasy
April 20, 2016
In the Ingenuity Lab, no day is the same and every member has a different story and requirements. As a group, we support each other, collaborate and ensure we have as much fun along the day; creating a melting pot of ideas! Each week, we will introduce one of our exemplary members and their business …
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