DELTA Hack Christmas Special
December 9, 2019
Nick Mount, Digital Learning Director for the Faculty of Social Sciences, has produced this tip about connecting to screens in teaching spaces. It’s also Christmas themed. This could be of use for anybody who has struggled to wield the potentially liberating functionality of teaching space screens.
Faculty of Science Assessment Workshop
November 6, 2019
The expectations of students and of employers are no longer the same as they were 20 years ago and the University is working on revising its assessment practice in order to take account of this. Students are asking to be assessed in ways that explicitly demonstrate that they have acquired the skills they will need …
Learning Journeys Through Open Labyrinth
September 9, 2019
Open Labyrinth is an open source virtual learning solution, and the tool chosen by the UoN Vet School to give students a more immersive experience of teaching typical vetinary situations and develop their clinical reasoning. Though the design and implementation required a significant amount of work across depertments in the short term, the result is …
Creating a New Online Learning Resource in Nursing
August 26, 2019
Moving to a fully online academic course is a massive and daunting step, but this is what academics in Nursing decided was needed. In partnership with learning technologists and her fellow academics, Jacqui Carr has been at the coalface of such a change, ushering in a fundamental shift in pedagogical approach from “sage on the …
Excel For Complex Time Tabling
August 12, 2019
Richard Payne has put together a nifty spreadsheet to assist with timetabling rooms and students (downloadable here). The model includes number of students, session timings, timing of breaks, multiple rooms, and rooms capacities. He uses it to figure out the best way to make use of resources for practical sessions.
Achieving Participation in Medium Sized Groups
July 29, 2019
Here, Charles Crook talks about ways to stimulate a class of students into discussion, to feel confident about talking about the material that they are studying. He describes some tools for supporting groups in the classroom: A tool to pick a name out of a group randomly for someone to make some kind of contribution: …
Enhancing Graduate Success Via Facebook
July 15, 2019
Staff of the UoN Vet School recognised the great support students receive during their academic program was being sorely missed by recent graduates, so sought a way to keep the support going with minimal overhead – the solution was to try out a Facebook group for those entering the professional arena. This has been a …
Development of an Online Education Tool for Oncology
July 1, 2019
Targeting of radiotherapy by doctors has been identified as a significant factor in the quality radiotherapy, affecting cancer cure rates. Simon Duke, as part of a doctoral research project funded by Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust (Cambridge), has been collaborating with Nottingham University and the EMBRACE-II cervix cancer trial group to investigate innovative ways of improving how …
Practicalities of Peer Assessment
June 17, 2019
Maria Toledo-Rodriguez gives a first hand account of implementing peer assessment. Initially this was done manually, sending documents back and forth, but a conversation with Learning Technologies led to using dedicated peer assessment functionality within Moodle, a first for UoN at the time. After getting to know the process, Maria now has an effective workflow …
Helping Students Benefit from Feedback
June 3, 2019
Caroline Anderson was keen to capitalise on feedback as an aspect teaching, so she examined the feedback process within a specific module and identified personalisation, reflection, and implementation as areas for improvement. Caroline’s solution involved dispensing feedback mid assignment, making audio recording of face to face feedback, then making the recording available to students for …
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